Hey Bret,
I admire your courage to share this issue with us! Here is what I did to install arm rests on my Venture to make MY wife more comfortable. I went to Home Depot and purchased several pieces of GRAY Electrical PVC Pipe and fittings in 1/2". The 90 degree sweep "Elbows" worked really well and gave the supports for the armrests a nice look. I then built the armrests with the PVC and found a place to connect them to the mount for the seat. The PVC was easy to work with, and if I made a mistake, I cut the bad part out and replaced it with more PVC that worked better, or looked better. When I had what I was looking for, I took the "Mocked Up" PVC armrests to a local Fab Shop and had them made out of metal pipe and plate. Chrome Plating was out of my price range, but a nice powder coating from a local shop made the armrests look like they came with the bike.
I hope this gives you some ideas on how to tackle this job, Bret. Also welcome to the forum. I hope this gets your wife riding with you again, it worked for me!