It's all smoke & mirrors. Electric vehicles are the way of the future, but we're not nearly there yet. When you look at the carbon footprint of these vehicles you need to look at the "Total" footprint, ...which is to say what it takes to mine and process the materials needed...the carbon output of the vehicle during it's lifetime....and what happens to these materials when the vehicle is scrapped. If you take into account the "Total" carbon footprint; electric vehicles fall way behind ICE vehicles. They don't tell ya that...
Yup, they're the future, but not OUR future...maybe our kids or grand-kids, but not us.
The bigger picture they're looking at is CONTROL of the population. They'd like to push us into living in urban centers, on top of one another, relying on public transportation.
There's true evil at work in this world, and the push for "carbon free" transportation is one small facet of it.