Yesterday Kandi and I took the bike to Paducah to see my chiropractor and get an alignment and tune up on my old back, temps in the 80s and sunny so we took the scenic route home. Didn’t get there. We were tooling along on a two lane 55-60mph not a car in sight when a large bird came out of the ditch into my windshield. All I saw was a blur as it came up and then had a windshield in my mouth. Spent the afternoon getting root canals and temporary crowns put on my front upper teeth. She didn’t have a clue what happened, said she heard a noise, saw something fly over her head ( windshield) and saw me set up straight on the bars. As I was pulling in a driveway she’s asking if everything is ok, told her it broke my teeth as I got off, that’s when she saw we lost the shield. Going back tomorrow to get the bike and see if there’s any more damage. We called the insurance agent today who is a friend of ours and she said she’s done lots of deer hits but never birds, it’s my second bird strike. 35 years ago riding without a windshield or helmet I had a bird break my nose.