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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2022 in all areas

  1. Sounds like there will be a market for used bikes in the near future.
    2 points
  2. Wow... grateful that it wasn't worse. Hope you mend quickly.
    2 points
  3. Yesterday Kandi and I took the bike to Paducah to see my chiropractor and get an alignment and tune up on my old back, temps in the 80s and sunny so we took the scenic route home. Didn’t get there. We were tooling along on a two lane 55-60mph not a car in sight when a large bird came out of the ditch into my windshield. All I saw was a blur as it came up and then had a windshield in my mouth. Spent the afternoon getting root canals and temporary crowns put on my front upper teeth. She didn’t have a clue what happened, said she heard a noise, saw something fly over her head ( windshield) and saw me set up straight on the bars. As I was pulling in a driveway she’s asking if everything is ok, told her it broke my teeth as I got off, that’s when she saw we lost the shield. Going back tomorrow to get the bike and see if there’s any more damage. We called the insurance agent today who is a friend of ours and she said she’s done lots of deer hits but never birds, it’s my second bird strike. 35 years ago riding without a windshield or helmet I had a bird break my nose.
    1 point
  4. The $$$ it’s costing to go so high tech isn’t helping. Most of us older riders want to get away from technology and go relax. I don’t care for all the infotainment, touch screens, glitzy tech on my truck let alone my bike. Go back to a simpler fuel injected water cooled bike we can work on ourselves and drop the prices so more can afford it. It freaks me out when my truck text messages me about oil changes and low tires, I don’t want my bike doing it.
    1 point
  5. Good to hear your made through the event .. I know that birds can do a lot of damage when they come up of the ground from the ditch or side of the road combined with speed you are traveling at ..
    1 point
  6. 5 years ago a couple of us were riding to our club rally when a small flock of black birds were on the shoulder of the highway came up and flew right into my face breaking my glasses ..I was fortunate that I had no serious injuries ...I had one sore eye for a couple of days and had to buy a new set of glasses ..I was able to maintain control of the bike at about 65 miles per hour ...
    1 point
  7. Glad it to hear that you both are ok, I agree with Puc you were both blessed. Hope you mend quickly.
    1 point
  8. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW Corporal Newkirk! Soooo glad the two of you are ok and the physical damage to your body isnt any worse! Sounds like the two of were blessed big time! Hope the bike isn't to bad. Don't feel alone Ronnie, life likes to give me the bird once in a while too. I think its normal for us bikers who enjoy living life large brother,, sort of keeps us on our toes if you will. Puc P.S. - you should go back and see if you can find the bird.. It would be interesting to see what it was. If you folks have an abundance of turkey down yonder that would be my guess. Those things love hanging out on the roadways here and scaring people. They are excellent eating if you deep fry them in peanut oil but taste terrible uncooked, as you aready knew.. Love you!
    1 point
  9. Well at a minimum I’m sure glad you’re fixed and healthy enough to type the tale. I hit a bird with my Wrangler probably 18 years ago I saw it coming and distinctly remember it’s wing stretched across the windshield. I was shocked and felt bad but was thankful no damage and I think the bird flew off.
    1 point
  10. Just saw this and both Phantom Wife (Bev) and I both hope she is doing well!!
    1 point
  11. They may be called the weaker sex, but it don't mean nothin' when it comes to smarts.
    1 point
  12. She had just filled the tank??? You just spent over $1k, but, but! Girls!!
    1 point
  13. I have been reading reports that the Yamaha Star Venture is done. We all know that there was no 2019 model. The last year and the current model is the 2021 model. The Eluder was a one year model. Once again, they skipped 2022. Dealers are reporting that they have heard nothing from Yamaha about a 2023 model. Also, I am reading that several large Hondas are being discontinued. I have even read that SOME models of the Goldwing are going away and there are rumors that due to International emissions standards, that it is the manual transmission models that will no longer be available. Word is that they can meet the emission standards possibly with the automatic models but not with the manual transmission. I have no idea how Harley and Indian are going to do it but I am told that the USA standards are a good bit less restrictive than European standards. Honda, Yamaha, etc. serve a larger global market than Harley and Indian and I understand will likely not produce a bike that can only be sold in the USA. Add to this the fact that most of the younger generation are not buying large cruisers and touring bikes and many of the older generation are either no longer riding or downsizing to lighter bikes and it just doesn't bode well for the future of large touring machines. All very interesting and I think mostly rumor at this point but the big Japanese cruisers may be in trouble. I guess we will learn if it's truth or fiction in the next few months.
    0 points
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