Well, this weekend feels like it has gone on forever but this is the last day of this misery. To be honest, it hasn't been as bad as I expected but certainly not pleasant. I've not had to take any of the pills that they gave me for nausea and I've managed to get by with only Tylenol and only a couple of times for that. I haven't even opened the bottle of Oxycodein that they prescribed and I knew that I wouldn't. I just refuse to take that stuff. I'm ok as long as I don't accidentally try to open that eye. It's all patched up and has a disk sewn to it anyway so it would do no good even if I could open it, beside the fact that I'm blind in that eye from the last time I had this mess. Sometimes when you open the good eye though you just automatically try to open them both at the same time, Since they have my eyelid sewn shut also, it doesn't open just just pulls the stitches., I'm getting better about not trying that, Anyway, this is the last day and tonorrow morning I go in for surgery again to have this all undone., I can't wait for that to be over with, All in all, it hasn't been too terrible. I've been through worse pain and this too will pass,