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  1. Small group but a fun group.
    2 points
  2. Hey Graham, If this is indeed the issue, then go to a lawn mower shop, (or Tractor Supply) and pick up a small inline fuel filter that will fit the diameter of the overflow line. POINT THE FLOW ARROW OF THE FILTER TOWARDS THE GROUND, (Away for the gas tank) to allow the vapors to pass through the filter. These filters have a crude backflow preventer which will keep the water from getting sucked into the gas tank. II personally have only seen this on two First Gens. and I used this cure for both. As always Graham, good luck with this project! Earl
    2 points
  3. To start with, thanks for @djh3 for the ignition relay I bought back in 2014. It definitely saved my ignition switch but gave its life in the process. I was in Yellowstone this week in a thunderstorm downpour, pulled over to the shoulder on a narrow road section and my 2006 RSV just shut off like the key was turned off. Literally getting buckets poured on me and in an unsafe place. I, of course, channeled my inner @cowpuc for guidance. My buddy waved traffic about two feet away from my butt as I checked the Ignition fuse and battery connections. After that I just knew that something was amiss with the wiring to the ignition switch. I was in a very unsafe place to be pulling the tank off and totally getting drenched at the same time. Had to call for a tow out of the part to West Yellowstone - $520 - and using my Somewear satellite hotspot ( no cell service of course) I was able to ask my daughter to find me the ONLY motel room left in the whole town. As soon as I was unloaded off the tow trailer as the motel I pushed the bike under a bit of covering and took the tank off. We don't always get so lucky to see such an obvious solution yelling out - ITS ME ITS ME ! but that is what I saw see photo. That red wire burned up and came off the connector. Had the ignition power been running though the ignition switch directly - as stock- this would not have had such a happy ending and quick repair. I stopped to have dinner since I could relax. After dinner I had to cut off and cut out the DJH3 ignition relay wiring, Plugged the now open blade females ( had to cut them out of the ink connector ) back into the stock connector and I was ALIVE again. So thank you to the ignition relay and thank you to djh3! Now I need to contact djh3 to buy another ignition relay and an extra male connector. I suggest that everyone with the relay check the relay wires every time you have the tank off. VentureFar
    1 point
  4. Hey Graham, I apologize, my friend! I just checked your profile AFTER I posted about this thread. Tractor Supply might be a bit of a ride for you, LOL!! Surely you must mow grass in the UK, and have lawn mower repair shops? We have a farm supply store chain in my area called Tractor Supply, and over the years I have solved many problems with my Ventures by shopping there, and thinking "Outside The Box" so to speak. I am sure you have a store similar to this in the UK. One more thing Graham, After you have added the filter, if the filter hangs too close to the ground, cut off some of the overflow line to return the end of the filter to it's original position. Again, I apologize for not paying closer attention to your location. But rest assured, the fix is sound advice! Earl
    1 point
  5. Yup --some of it still is Plus all the craziness. Sadly some of our best members have moved on to the next life and are forever missed but I can't help to think that once in awhile they look down on us and still have a chuckle or two.
    1 point
  6. The metal OEM pipe will be history. An 1.5" pvc spacer is a good measure to start from. There should be a good amount of umph needed to get the screw cap to get threaded, if it goes on easy, make one a 1/2" longer.
    1 point
  7. I've heard and experienced that a common problem is the nut holding the shifter lever on tends to come off, and there are other nuts that tend to come somewhat loose as well, 'course those are mostly on the drivers seat and in your case may or may not be an issue, but then that's only my opinion.
    1 point
  8. Will do, but you're likely to get to it before me. I've got some other home and bike projects to get to first.
    1 point
  9. Good point. I did, however, install a Superbrace on mine and am having those issues.
    1 point
  10. Thanks for the comments guys. I always loved the fellowship that was here in the past. It looks like some of that is still here.
    1 point
  11. Have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing good times with Puc and Tips on several occasions. Great folks with a great sense of humor.
    1 point
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