You have to watch anytime you overfill an engine. It may help those components which are lubricated by splash but overfilling can cause whipping or foaming of the oil, specially were the large end of the connecting rod barely rides just above the surface of the oils max level. When you over fill and the oil gets whipped into a foam you actually loose oil pressure and proper lubrication to those components that are pressure fed, because the air in the foamed up oil not only reduces pressure in the gallerias but causes the oil to have less body hence less lubricating quality. It also can cause air cavitation in the oil pump itself, resulting in premature pump wear and eventual pump failure. This is why there is a max oil level on any oil level indicator, be it stick or site glass. You may be comforting yourself by quieting down the noisy parts that are splash lubricated but you are trading off proper lubrication to pressure fed parts for this false sense of piece of mind.