Good to see this discussion is being held without anybody shooting at each other. Don't mind following this at all,, but now I'm going to through a monkey wrench into the whole theological theory.
Time will come when this world will come to an end. Scientists will back that thought. We all like to remain blind to that fact and refuse to deal with it, but the signs are there. I'm not on climate change, flooding oceans, drought in areas and floods in others, all that stuff. I'm not one to delve into that stuff much. Rather I see things a bit different and the events kind of point in that direction. We can complain, fight, vote, rally, or whatever, to try and direct bosses (government or companies and know-it-alls) in the direction that we think they should go, but it doesn't seem to work. Why not? They are not the ones really in control. We live in a world that is governed not by mere people, but by the unseen 'bodies' that rule and guide us, evil vs good if you will. Presently evil has things going his way and so we are getting deeper and deeper into kaka. That's why I don't oppose any of the myriad of conspiracy theories that are being brought out. Anyone of those could be true.
What I do see though is that man is being primed to follow what ruling bodies decide, as well as swallowing any 'white lies' that are being pushed around. It in advertising, government, political correctness, packaging and thoughout all our systems. We are so immune to it all, that we don't pay pay attention to it anymore, fact it, often times we will even support it. This may not be you and I, but thee general population where of I speak. Our moral fabric is going to shreds, our governments (that's us by the way) are so far in debt that there is no way out. In order to bring this around and be able to carry-on at all,,,, there will have to be a one-somebody to take it all in hand and fix it,,,, somehow cancel all debts of the countries, set 'new' rules in place that we need to abide by and still somehow make sure that we follow his lead. This won't be an easy thing to do, but a lot easier than it was 100 years ago. There is now enough of the population that will follow anyone that can make some wild ass promises, it doesn't take 50% plus one,,, it only takes 15% of the people to vote in a new government. Kind of scary I think, and like I said at first,, we don't want to deal with it.
As a closing statement: Do we know which con theory is right? True? Can we trust what we are told by our rulers or bosses? Really?? Where is the truth? Who has it?