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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Prayers for you and your family, God has a plan, this is just a trial. Stay strong, she will come through a better lady.
    3 points
  2. Prayers for all of you. Our family had similar experience a few years back with our beautiful, vibrant young niece, who thankfully survived. With love and strength from family, she is doing well and thriving today. One thing I observed through her and her parents' journey is that some friends may disappear from your lives. This was hard for them to accept as they are a very social family. Mental health issues are so very complex and unique, I believe its because most of us don't know what to do or say and don't want to do or say the 'wrong' thing that might upset your daughter or you. For whatever its worth, my advice is to continue doing what you've done here. Reach out for support, keep people updated and show your unconditional love as an example for others to follow. Don't crawl under a rock because of some perceived stigma of mental health issues. The truth is almost every single person alive has inner demons and we all just deal with it differently. You have a long road ahead, but a journey that must be taken so stay strong. We are all here for you and I firmly believe we can send some strength to you and your daughter through prayer or karma or whatever each of us subscribes to.
    2 points
  3. Keep in mind also that even though she made the attempt she did have the strength to pull back, come forward and express that she was so very sorry and told her Mom what she had done. Always a good sign for hope of better days ahead. I once did renovation work for a young women who hung herself only days after my last visit. I had been doing work for her off and on for a little more than a year and she was always a spunky lively person. On that last visit I could see something was wrong . She had that look on her face that I could tell something was really off but could not put a finger on it. It wasn't anger or sadness it was just as though there was a great distance there and now feel had I been more aware I might have realized that look said this is the last time I may see her. That was roughly ten years ago and still to this day I wish I had caught on better and sat down and talked to her. Maybe it would have made a difference and maybe it would not but it still haunts me at times that maybe, I could have made a difference.
    2 points
  4. She is still here which is awesome and she has a good testimony for others should she decide to use it in a positive way. Pour into her and walk with her through all the fears and doubts. The Lord is not finished with y'all, there's always a silver lining.
    2 points
  5. Update. I ordered the gasket after this mechanic said I needed it and then said I didn’t need a gasket I needed the cover because it was somehow damaged. I decided I wasn’t going to let him work I my bike anymore, so I took the cover off and dang it looked like a silicone bomb had gone off in there. No wonder it was leaking. It looks like when he worked on my shifter he removed the cover and didn’t replace the seal he just silicone around where he had torn it. Anyway I got all the old gasket and the silicone off and applied a gasket sealer called gasgacinch. This stuff had a lot off good reviews so I got some and no more leaks . I missed quite a bit of riding time waiting on a gasket he ordered but never came in . Anyway water under the bridge and I got to ride this weekend !
    2 points
  6. Replaced the bulb with 1157 and its now working fine. Thanks!
    2 points
  7. Thank you all for the kind words and support. The fact that she didn’t try to hide it and feels remorse gives us comfort. We also notice a great deal of mood change for the better now that we’ve taken her off the anti depressants she was prescribed. They were causing the opposite effect, it’s crazy that “suicidal thoughts and tendencies” is a leading side effect of a medicine that’s supposed to make you not sad. It’s hard enough for a rational adult to recognize and admit those feelings let alone a teenage girl.
    1 point
  8. Nothing better than a new sticky tire, ride safe
    1 point
  9. Prayers to your family. Stay the course and always stay strong no matter what. Family guidance is the key.
    1 point
  10. Too thick of a gasket specially were narrow edge gasket surfaces are concerned often cut in half or squeeze out as you tighten the bolts. (Permatex's The Right Stuff gasket maker) or Loctites Gasket Eliminator are perfect for totally replacing gaskets were gasket thickness is not important for clearance issues. when using lay a 1/16 inch bead down the middle of the gasket surface and around bolt holes (Do Not spread out specially important with gasket eliminator as it is anaerobic) this eliminates air pockets as it will spread out as you bolt down the part. High temp Red or Grey silicone work well too but I find the above product superior to silicone. Also never patch a gasket it is better to completely remove it. The exception to that is if a gasket comes away in one piece either completely or stuck to one side then I will either add a tiny bead of gasket eliminator (again do not spread it). The other option is to lay a light spray of permatex high tack gasket spray to all surfaces including the gaskets then assemble when dry to the touch. In a pinch were gasket spacing is important and no gasket is available I have cut thin spacer strips and used them with the right stuff embedding small strips on each side of the bolt holes and being careful not to over tighten the bolts. In some cases when using this technique lay a slightly larger than 1/16 inch bead but do not go bigger than 1/8 inch and again do not spread out. let cure over night in this case.
    1 point
  11. Most do not know how to properly use silicone and use way to much or apply it incorrectly.
    1 point
  12. From the picture it looks like rust mud. Has this bike been run with straight water in it by chance. In any case before tearing the engine down, I would do a thorough flush. A bit of automatic no suds dish washer powder soap and water for the first run and run engine up to temp about 15 to 20 minutes allow to cool drain and fill with clean water and run up again. Continue until relatively clean water drains out. Then fill with clean aluminum compatible antifreeze (STAY AWAY FROM GM DEXCOOL). Don'the forget to was out the overflow tank. Ride the bike and keep an eye on it. You can also do a cylinder leak down test and/or combustion gases test. You need a special tool with test fluid for this most auto parts stores carry them as does amazon. The later will tell you if the head gasket is leaking by detecting combustion gases in the rad.
    1 point
  13. Very sad situation. I hope and pray all continues to improve.
    1 point
  14. Do not trust any dealership or bike shop top rebuild your carbs. They will screw you. Look up the Diamond Cut Guy, Mike Eykamp on this forum. He has a great reputation here, and that is saying something. I've never dealt with him but quite a few people who I hold in the highest regard have and will vouch for him.
    1 point
  15. I have used the ones from JBM several times and have no issues with them as well. The only thing is once you use them you can no longer go back to the OEM style. You will see why when you go to their link. delivery service by them is excellent BTW. http://jbmindustries.com/Yamaha650.html
    1 point
  16. When it is left at automatic or not, there will be an option to select for de-select it. At least the members now have a choice
    1 point
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