Prayers for all of you. Our family had similar experience a few years back with our beautiful, vibrant young niece, who thankfully survived. With love and strength from family, she is doing well and thriving today.
One thing I observed through her and her parents' journey is that some friends may disappear from your lives. This was hard for them to accept as they are a very social family. Mental health issues are so very complex and unique, I believe its because most of us don't know what to do or say and don't want to do or say the 'wrong' thing that might upset your daughter or you.
For whatever its worth, my advice is to continue doing what you've done here. Reach out for support, keep people updated and show your unconditional love as an example for others to follow. Don't crawl under a rock because of some perceived stigma of mental health issues. The truth is almost every single person alive has inner demons and we all just deal with it differently.
You have a long road ahead, but a journey that must be taken so stay strong. We are all here for you and I firmly believe we can send some strength to you and your daughter through prayer or karma or whatever each of us subscribes to.