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  1. I keep telling everybody to install intercom mic/speakers in both rider and passenger helmets. The gear whine will no longer be the most irritating sounds you hear.
    2 points
  2. As far a training or teaching your kids, our policy was: We had no idea what life would hold for them, what kind of skills or mental makeup would be needed, for we had no handle on how the world would change during our or their lifetime. So we taught them to be kind, considerate, loving, caring and benevolent..... We tried to show them that there was lots more to life than just making money, but above all to realize that the only way to a much better and a truly perfect life would be to get to a place called Heaven, a place of eternal rest and peace. For that to happen they needed to realize they couldn't in no way do it on their own, but needed a Savior, and there is only One. They have all taken that to heart.
    1 point
  3. Sooo Bike starts in gear, Cruise works. If we see a riderless bike go by, I guess we can assume you forgot to get on
    1 point
  4. @Marcarlwon't be say'n anymore than he has on account of self preservation. You just gonna has ta read tween da lines.
    1 point
  5. So it likely is an areation line this is to assist removal of air pockets in the cooling system. The system holds about 14 PSI and though that hose may look flimsy it is still capable of carrying the pressure within the cooling system. If you plan on still using that hose I would replace the electrical tape with splicing tape also known as magic tape. this is a highly stretchy tape and is self vulcanizing. stretch it to about half its width while wrapping it. then cover with friction tape also known as hockey stick tape to protect and reinforce it.
    1 point
  6. They say you learn more from your mistakes then your successes. All I will say is @Marcarlhas had quite a learning curve
    1 point
  7. I would do as Marcarl stated with one exception I would avoid use of an impact gun using it as a last resort only. in my field as a heavy duty mechanic, I have seen far too many torx heads round out or round off because of the way an impact gun works. Use a hand tool and steady pressure is the the safest way using a longer handle if needed the bit may break but at least you won't round out the head. you can also try heating the head of the bolt (red if possible) then immediately and quickly quench the head with cold water repeat a couple of times then again attempt to back the screw out. Failing that use a hand impact driver such as https://www.grainger.ca/en/product/p/KDT1140D?gclid=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetK2Sr16P1iz7MT8c9hl2d_b2ZpA_ZnABnq1GAe3wi5TAWt72ihl-MaAgg9EALw_wcB&cm_mmc=PPC:+Google+PLA&ef_id=Cj0KCQjwk4yGBhDQARIsACGfAetK2Sr16P1iz7MT8c9hl2d_b2ZpA_ZnABnq1GAe3wi5TAWt72ihl-MaAgg9EALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3645!3!303422060307!!!g!296274828640! to try to remove the screw this tool twists as you wack the end with a hammer while twisting the tool in the proper direction which will supply both inward pressure and twist at the same time. If all this fails then try an impact gun as a last resort. by this time the screw may even have given in a bit and become a bit more cooperative.
    1 point
  8. Yep, probably in there with lock-tite. I've never had to remove that bunny, but if I were the one tasked with the issue, here's what I would do. First turn the shift drum all the way counter clockwise, that way I could get rid of the extra tools. Then with a small torch, propane would be fine, I would heat the bolt head for a while. Then I would insert the torx bit, on the end of my impact gun, making sure it was turning in the right direction the first time, and then with a good amount of forward pressure, hold my breath, quit shaking and squeeze the trigger a quick burst. That would tell me if there was enough heat on the threads to loosen the lock-tite.
    1 point
  9. Thanks! What you’d think was an easy fix turned into what you had. Mine was not cracked just gunked up and the spring wasn’t pushing the plunger efficiently. Cleaned it up greased it and the housing cracked like you described when reassembling. So now it’s held together with electrical tape zip ties to hold the tape when it gets hot and gummy. It’s crude but it works.
    1 point
  10. We know absolutely nothing about shifts or segments, other than there may be some that are shifty and others that may be short a segment,,,, but heh,, if the lights are on, there may be somebody home.
    1 point
  11. Name of Restaurant Whiskey Jack- Restaurateur and Tavern Street Address Highway 105 City Perault Falls State or Province ON Website (Optional) https://www.facebook.com/The-WhiskeyJack-Restaurant-and-Tavern-340529655986144/ Quality of Food Fantastic Quality of Service Fantastic Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Burgers, Fries, Pizza, Steak, Soup, Salad, BBQ. https://www.zmenu.com/the-whiskeyjack-restaurant-and-tavern-perrault-falls-online-menu/ Alcohol Served? Yes Bands Yep sometimes. Additional Comments In the summer there is always Bikes around or 4 wheelers, winter its sleds.Great place to stop in North Western Ontario.
    1 point
  12. I paid 9 CND for my 09 three years ago with same miles. About 7 grand US. Ask 6 you can always come down.
    1 point
  13. Great news! When my light quit the first time, I was afraid that it was that aux. lighting module. In my case, some contact cleaner and a little synthetic grease and I was golden.
    1 point
  14. Should not be a problem, I have to pull that side cover to remove the seat to do the oil change.
    1 point
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