Well, that's the least I could do considering all the help I've gotten here getting my girl running right & looking good! still working on those pics though.
Thanks so much for all your prayers. Im still in thunderbay hospital and still am numb from the chest down but today was my first official physo appointment and i think things went well. Im finding that my left knee is weak as jello and unless i can see my feet i really dont know where they are while standing. Talk about new experences! But God has been good to me. Hes allowed my wife to visit for four whole days when they originally told us a max of 2 hours once period due to covid restrictions. Found out my surgeon is a believer as well and was encouraging prayer to his patients. Met a retired teacher who underwent disc replacement in his neck and had many late night talks when pain kept us awake and was able to pray with him. So even in the midst of something that has left me asking God why? Ive seen his hand at work and i am humbled. Praise his name
I can tell that the people that I have talked too on this forum are a bunch great people , who have a faith in
God ...I do know that God looks after what belongs to him ..God has been good to me over and over again
Last years lakeshore flooding created the PERFECT opportunity for off trail adVenture... While I did take the loving husband approach to walking Tips E-Bike over the cave ins she did do an amazing job riding the single track off trail dirt path thru the weeds that we followed to get around over 2 miles of unrideable bike trail on this adventure.. SOOOO MUCH FUN!! GET OUT AND RIDE!!
Being a Puc is a blessing and a curse... I am certainly pleased the jury is still out @saddlebum and encourage them to stay that way... Juries and I never did get along well LOL
You will find this site becomes as much a family and friendship forum ( had to throw that second part in cuz not all family's get along ) as it is a motorcycle forum. That is why you will find members who started out owning Ventures but stayed even after switching machines to something other other than Ventures. Often times friendships get formed here on site that continue to grow off site.
Now I will have to admit the jury is still out on @cowpucbut we are just such darned good folk we let him hang around anyway
Heck with him, I’m still trying to figure out how my $12 has gotten so expensive. Between mods, maintenance, and rallies this place cost me a fortune. 🤣🤣🤣
If I am not mistaken I think I know who the guy is. I ran into him one time while out riding and noticing he rode a venture I struck up what i intended to be a friendly conversation. It went fine until I mentioned Venture rider,, Man did I start getting an ear full and could not get out of there fast enough. I guess he was a member while we were a free member ship and I do remember chatting with him on the site a few times and for all intents and purposes he was an OK guy. But I guess he took a real offense when the dues were implemented and had no problem laying a supersize rant on me. I have since learned he has not let up and continues to bash Venture Rider when ever and were ever he can.
Me I rather pay the $12.00 than put up with a bunch of advertising plus Don puts a lot of work into this site to keep things going as smoothly as possible.