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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Update fixed everything soldered the controls they have a bad solder on the back it look bad .,*+. All the lights working no idiot lights on all the fluids are full . No leaks.Time to go for another ride. And thank you guys for all your help couldn't have done it without you.
    2 points
  2. Just got back from 50klm ride today. Started out at 106400klm. Temp was -2(28)deg.
    1 point
  3. If I remember the sizes correct if the sizes are off the story is the same. My 91 F150 swallowed up a 7/16 socket that was mine when changing the alternator but spit out a 3/4 x ?? box combination that wasn’t mine when replacing the transmission.
    1 point
  4. I'm a little late to the party! I have to say, I have a little hate hate thing going on for Mr. Blake. Uncle Sam took my beloved 1911 from me and replaced with that abomination back in 1986. It's an extremely accurate, reliable pistol. It's jut not a Browning. I know, that is a ridiculous argument, but it is still TRUTH in my mind. Funny thing is, my two favorite pistols right now are both 9mm and neither is a Browning design. They are both from Walther. The PPS, single stack sub compact and the PPX. Even more funny, I've never actually shot JMB's ultimate creation, the Wunder 9, though I've handle quite a few.
    1 point
  5. @sleepy2 Glad you got the chance to ride already. I also was able to get my first ride in for the month of February and it was my only one. March weather is looking pretty good in my area, so this coming week is very promising. We might get temps in the upper 60s. Ride Safe.
    1 point
  6. This thread prompted me to look on craigslist to see what was for sale. One pro mechanic is retired and in bad health and is selling all the tools in his garage which includes one of those snapon huge double chests full of tools as well as many other things in his garage. Price $20,000 Another guy is selling one of those 56" long Matco tool boxes empty. Price $6,000 Seems to me the prices are a little high but that's just me. They probably spent that much and more when they bought it but still... The harbor freight US General box that size which gets great reviews is less than $800.
    1 point
  7. Good looking peace there Puc. I thought about you while surfing Gun Broker the other night. I landed a nice one yesterday and I think I will sling a lot of lead with it. I plan on killing a slew of those old clay birds with it. It is in the mail as of today so I can try it out soon. It is a Weatherby Orion 1 O/U 3" chamber 26" barrel (Very purdy wood on this one). I will post pics when it comes in.
    1 point
  8. @cowpuc I’ve honestly never given the slide mount any thought, It’s just right there and works. Also the action is perfectly broken in that when a new mag is loaded it chambers and closes without the need of the slide release. The thing to get used to with the Walther is the paddle trigger guard mag release. It can be cumbersome. But I only carry for personal defense so I don’t carry extra mags anyway. for what you mention about the 1911 and additional action features / grip points this is my other carry. She has many ways to rack, but being a 45 also brings a much heavier spring. Since you made me pull them out and compare I think the thumb action of the safety and mag release on the 1911 is far superior to the Walther design. But again for self defense and not carrying an extra mag I love both.
    1 point
  9. Not sure last time I ever had cheese cruds, glad to have someone else on the site with us, just need to watch out for the squirrels.
    1 point
  10. Nice pistols! I have a number of 9mm's but no .45's yet. I work at the local range as an RSO and one of the perks is being able to drool over other peoples' guns. Today, however......all the idiots were out in force. Ground shots galore, the extremely inexperienced trying to teach those with zero experience, guys who just bought their first AR-15 and didn't know how to lock the bolt back.....and when I showed them how a live round came out of the chamber of a gun that was supposedly unloaded......most stressful day I have ever had as an RSO.
    0 points
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