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  1. You know to win a pile of money would make like more and easier ... But I tell myself that I already won big in 2010 I had a fast growing set of tumours on my liver and the team of 5 doctors told me I had 4 days before the cancer would explode on my liver and that if they did not operate in the next 24 hours they could no longer help me ... At 5 am the next morning they started 8 hours of surgery , they removed the liver from my body and then removed a part of my liver to remove all the ugly stuff and put the liver back in my body .. When I woke up I saw the chemo bottle hanging from the pole from my bedside . The team of doctors came to see me the evening , and told me they had got it all . I still am today on a restricted diet , but hey I am still here . So I tell myself , that I had just won the biggest lottery any one could win .
    3 points
  2. After being blessed with a beautiful baby boy 19 years ago, I decided to sell my '99 Venture due to not being able to get the 'what if' thought out of my head every time I rode it. Ironically, it was my wife who said "don't sell it, you love that bike". I can still hear her saying those words to this day. I think she also loved it, we took many trips together up/down the coast, Yosemite, Mt. Lassen and Shasta, beautiful country and amazing rides. At times I wished I'd kept it and took my son riding, but baseball was his passion in life from when he was 2 years old, so we ended up spending most weekends at the ball field anyways and the bike ultimately would not have fit into our lives and sat unused for too much of the time. Well, last August we dropped our son off at college in St. Louis (where he's playing ball!!) and in September I purchased my new baby, an '07 Venture. As a funny little side story, I was recently searching for some family photos from 2010 and came across a photo of the blue/black '07 that I had apparently downloaded to my computer late one night in 2010! I have no recollection of doing that but apparently my love of the '07 color scheme goes back a good 10 years. It's taken 6 long months to work through carb issues, then getting a trust & wills set up (at my wife's, the responsible adult here, insistence) and then finally some nice weather for this day to finally happen. Our first ride together in 20 years. It really is amazing how time flies, the whirlwinds of parenting, getting older and then suddenly right back to where we started and hard to believe that these 20 years passed in the blink of an eye. I'm blessed to still be here, healthy, to have a wife who gives me no grief about having a motorcycle and to have experienced the greatest joy of all in life of having a child. In the end, I can't say I would change a thing but now, its time to ride!
    2 points
  3. @sleepy2Phil a simple way to load test battery though not as accurate as an actual load tester is to put a voltmeter directly on the battery. see if it shows 12 plus volts. turn on ignition volts should only drop very slightly. Next hit start button. If volts drop drastically and no response odds are battery is shot. If there is no voltage drop when you hit starter it will be a wiring issue. I attached two WORD DOC files describing the diagnostic steps I teach my apprentices to track down and pin point electrical issues. Starter and electrical issue diagnosing.docx Testing for a Battery not Charging.docx
    2 points
  4. Sleepy, the trickle charger falling & hitting the bike is likely a red herring and has nothing to do with the problem. Even if the positive terminal of the trickle charger hit a conductive part of the frame, nothing would happen - as long as the charger negative terminal was not also connected to the bikes system @ the same time - then you could have issues due to reverse polarizing your bike's electrical system. My guess is the battery gave up the ghost via an internal cell short. It may still show a voltage potential but cannot actually provide any significant current flow. How old is the battery?
    2 points
  5. My wife and I took an 11 year hiatus for much the same reason, selling our '06 Vulcan 2000 Classic LT in '08 because our kids needed parents. By the time our youngest turned 16 in 2019 we could wait no longer and purchased the '08 RSV we have now. My life now is rough - my wife, my 22 year old daughter and my 17 year old daughter fight over who gets to ride with me. We live about a 45 min ride from Daytona so I have to make a minimum of three trips to Bike Week and Biketoberfest each year so that all three can attend.......poor me. 😁 This was my wife and I on a bike trip to North Carolina from Florida in '07 on the Vulcan.
    2 points
  6. Thank you for the welcome. I've already found a few helpful topics on here helping me get more acquainted with my new Venture TC. I picked up a new 2018 Venture TC two weeks ago (Yes New, been sitting at the dealer for a few years waiting for me to get it). Looking forward to hitting the road and making up the riding I couldn't do last year due to COVID restrictions.
    1 point
  7. My 17 year old is desperately wanting a motorcycle but she is still working on her driver's license. I told her that once she gets that and gets more experience driving a car we can discuss a motorcycle. My wife keeps talking about getting her own motorcycle but her brain processing speed is too slow. Anytime she has to make a split-second decision she locks up, then almost always makes the wrong decision. That's dangerous enough when driving a car. On a motorcycle it could have much deadlier consequences. So, it looks like for now I am stuck playing chauffeur...... poor me. 😁
    1 point
  8. Wow, Thanks for sharing guys. Just reaffirms that I'm in good company here!! I have to admit I was a bit nervous riding with her at first, but I swear the bike handles better 2-up, like some smart engineers designed it that way...
    1 point
  9. Wait.... did you try flowers?
    1 point
  10. Pic taken in the mid 80s. My niece and I down in Key Largo. I just took her up to the end of the street and back.... Her daughter...(my Grand Niece?) will be 4 in April. Maybe I should get a pic of her on the back of my Venture.....for posterity....
    1 point
  11. Thanks for the update, glad you are on the mend. Follow Dr orders, and stay away from public places, I hear there is something going around 😷
    1 point
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