Up here in the great white north we end up switching toys once the moose are shoulder deep. When i was in highschool a buddy and i were cruzing down the river and just having fun. I had a 94 artic cat prowler 2up that was the first of the efi models. If there was a trail broke you could reach 85 or 90 mph. Well we were doing about 45 in 2 ft of nice fluffy unbroken snow when suddenly i hit a spot where someone had walked thier snowblower down to clear a patch for ice fishing. The sled and i dropped down to the ice, hit the mound left from one of the holes and went airborn. I landed onthe snow blown up by the snowblower which was rock hard on top. The one ski punched through and slewed the sled around to a stop and i kept on going. Luckly the disturbed snow ended and i rolled in the softer stuff but that ride cost me a new windshield and a sore knee. Lesson learned. Sorta.