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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2020 in all areas

  1. I found this outstanding video 100% reassuring that our treasured way of life is farrrr from over!! The love for our Constitutional Republic is still strong!! Take a peek!
    2 points
  2. @Sylvester,, I know you will enjoy this but thought best to start a new thread to show this off!! Getting rid of my shooters and associated ammo to increase my Vette fun substantially (WOWZY,, are guns/ammo sales HOT) worked great! Only problem with selling those shooters that I refused to shoot ammo out of that costs in excess of a dollar a round left a hollow spot in my love for shooting soooooo,,, I had to take a little of the xtra cash I aquired for my Vette fund and scratch that itch. She's a dandy!!
    1 point
  3. Isaiah 9:6 6) For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Micah 5:2 2) “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.” Luke 1:30-31 The angel Gabriel speaking to Mary of her conception 30) Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31) And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. John 3:16-17 Jesus speaking to Nicodemus 16) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17) For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
    1 point
  4. If underwear and blue jeans can't stop a fart...
    1 point
  5. Yaknow know the rule Puc, it never happened without a picture!
    1 point
  6. Maybe some day all these want to be revolutionist will get their basements and garages full so I can get some 9mm 147gn XTP reloading bullets for home defense purposes. I even use those for taking back yard deer. Head shoot fat does they usually drop like a rock.
    1 point
  7. So Puc? Because you seeded our thoughts thru your minds eye and, me not being a shy guy, and, yaknow I know some of the amazing features you brag so often about that Tippy has..... On behalf of the shy guys then - what is Tippy wearing under the Hazmat suit
    1 point
  8. Personally I trust very few with advice concerning Covid, mask wearing proficiency or even the data we are being supplied.. There is just wayyyy to much opinionizing for Polical purposes for me to do so. I also absolutely refuse to run and hide in fear over the endless banter we find ourselves bogged down in,, aint gonna happen.. I do however have a few people in my life that I do trust and, my daughter - being neck deep in Covid research is one of them. I recently had a chance to chat with her and a couple of her colleges who are also involved with Covid research from all perspectives during a recent trip to the west coast. Here is a brief summary of what I learned: 1. All the people who are putting any form of faith in masks BELOW the grade of N95 mounted properly on a clean shaven face are betting on a fools errand at best. The fact is the virus attaches itself to microscopic moisture molecules in the air (this is how the virus travels thru the air) that are so small that any form of mask less than an N95 cannot stop the spread.. If you are able to breath thru anything less than N95 masks and you are contaminated - YOU ARE A SPREADER! If you are the type that chooses to live in fear for either yourself or others,, you best be paying attention to this. 2. The 6 foot rule is nonsense. Being a life long deer hunter and knowing how easily and far "scent" travels,, I asked this question and got an amazing answer: I told of a recent experience I had while Tippy and I were doing our daily 2 mile walk in the State Park near our home. During that walk (which we choose not mask up for), another couple was 2 or 3 hundred feet upwind of us and I could smell the womens perfume even at that distance. I asked the professionals whom I choose to trust if there was anyway that the China Virus could travel that distance on those molecules and still be alive and dangerous.. The answer = ABSOLUTELY!! I made comment about if this were the case, how come 95% of us are not contaminated already and got this answer = WHAT MAKES YOU THINK WE ARE NOT = many many millions of people have the anti bodies and do not even know it. 3. All the front line healthcare workers I spoke with have been vaccinated, they trust/have faith in their fellow scientist.. All of them, including my daughter, are all still alive and still hard at work in research over the subject matter. It appears, and lets all pray this is the case, that once again AMERICAN capitalism (you really dont think those big companies went to all that work for nothing do you?) ingenuity has come thru for the world! 4. WASH YOUR HANDS!! ALOT!! When talking about masks I was told that "surgery room containment style" was the best protection aside from gearing up in a hazmat suit (I actually pictured myself and Tippy dressing up in a Hazmat Suits and riding out to Sturgis next year when that was mentioned,,, they looked at me with evil eyes when I started laughing over that picture flying thru my mind LOL). I was also reminded to think about all the times I had seen Doctors scrubbing up for surgery and then walking around with wet hands pointed skyward to air dry. That type of hand washing is recommended for those who really fear this stuff.. Others of us, regular hand sanitizing works good.. 5. PRAY!! God is still in the answering prayer business!! Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!! Puc By the way,, did you know that drunk driving still kills more people annually than Covid? How come we are not at war with booze? I asked that and WOWZY did I get the stare!! You a drinker? Might be Covid is the least of your worries.. THINK ABOUT IT!
    1 point
  9. Old one but good for the ones that like chewin tabaca Two little boys were ice fishing in the great north. They had cut one hole in a likely spot on the lake and settled down in a nice silence when the second little boy suddenly pulled a fish from the water. The first boy looked on as the second boy soon repeated the feat and just as quickly had hooked a third while the first little boy sat with his line in the water. After the fourth fish he couldnt take it any more and asked man what is your secret? The second little boy mumbled yurf maba kef yurf mormth wathm. What?! Asked the first boy Yurf maba kef yurf mormth wathm said the second I cant understand you said the first. The second boy turned and spat and said You have to keep your worms warm. Happy new year y'all
    1 point
  10. And people wonder why I am against single payer(socialized) health care!
    1 point
  11. Very happy you got to see those younguns and the California weather. Hope winter isn't too harsh for you as old tired bones don't respond well to the cold. Looking forward to pics of that Vette when you get it.
    1 point
  12. I’m not an anti-vaxer by any means. My kids had all their shots when they were scheduled. However I just can’t bring myself to trust this one with so little testing. I’ve been called unpatriotic and told I don’t respect my department or the city I signed on to protect for these views. I declined the shot. My biggest worry though is for my daughters, neither married yet. There is no information about child bearing women or the effects on their future children.
    1 point
  13. Contradictory is 100% correct on all of it. The Chicago area medical person said in an interview that COVID deaths are very loosely applied. Used the scenario of testing positive and then getting hit by a car you would be put on the COVID Death list. The CDC even adjusted their numbers to only 6% of all COVID deaths were actually caused by COVID. This was wildly contested (and now lost to the annals of the public short term memory) by the Media because Trump mentioned it. But who are the Media - They are the purveyors of misinformation.
    1 point
  14. I saw in the news yesterday that a couple guys who were shot to death tested positive for covid so the cause of death was listed as covid on their death certificate. I think it was in Colorado. There seems to be so much contradictory information coming from everywhere that you can't fully believe anything.
    1 point
  15. There are a lot of great songs in this topic. I have playlists on YouTube that have many of these liveries. A separate playlist is reserved for songs from James Bond films, and a separate playlist of favorite songs from films. All this can be listened to according to the mood.
    1 point
  16. Awe,, thanks Sky!! Nice to be home and back onboard too!! Missed ya brother!! Now there is that little feller!!! I REALLY missed him!! Dont get all giddy on me Fool,, I was talking about the little painter man LOL.. You on the other hand,,,, after looking at what you have following us home on the weather radar?? Lets just say with friends like Fool,, who needs The kids tried that numerous times back when we were still bikin (for some reason they dont worry as much about us now that we are touring in Trooper) and never faired to well Corporal Newkirk.. Something about our ability to turn right when normal people would turn left causing the probability of a search party locating us.. THANKS for the welcome home greetings though!!
    1 point
  17. Before anyone rushes out to get the vaccine shot, I suggest reading this: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-vaccine-questions-a-summary/ I'm not an expert in much of anything other than my own opinion and my opinion is that the truth was lost long ago in this whole thing. Corporate profits, political power and desire for control over the masses are ruling the day. Yes, the virus is real, yes some people are sadly losing their lives to it. This also happens every year from the flu, which is also highly contagious and the flu shot is not always effective as it is a best guess, made months in advance. The big difference, IMHO, between flu shots & this new vaccine is an actual flu virus is used to create an antibody AND we have decades of experience with this. This new vaccine is a lab rat's dream of using DNA sequencing to build something from scratch, has been minimally tested and long-term effects are completely unknown. Trust science? maybe, maybe not Possible effects on female fertility Dr Michael Yeadon, a former head of Pfizer’s respiratory research, and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, a health policy adviser, raised the possibility that, since the vaccine (by design) causes the body to produce antibodies against the ‘spike proteins’ in the virus, it might also cause the production of antibodies against similar proteins which are required for formation of the placenta in pregnancy. If this were the case, itwould result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile, an effect which might be permanent. No research studies have been undertaken on this issue, so it is this writer’s view that the vaccine has been rolled out much too early and with no knowledge of whether the hypothesis of Drs Yeadon and Wodarg is correct or incorrect. The Moderna vaccine is also an RNA vaccine, so the same applies to that. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is designed to create the same result – the formation of antibodies against the Covid-19 virus – so they all have the inherent potential risk of causing infertility. PCR testing and its use in the Pfizer trials A positive PCR test result does not indicate infection, simply the presence of viral RNA, which might indeed indicate a current infection, but is more likely to indicate exposure to the virus some time ago, possibly many months. Every magnification cycle doubles the viral RNA so, after ten cycles it has been increased by 1024 times, after 20 cycles by over a million and after 40 cycles by over a trillion. Therefore, the greater the number of cycles, the more likely one is to find what was originally only a tiny amount of viral RNA, and vice-versa. We do not know what PCR cycle counts Pfizer used in their trials, so we have no idea whether they might have manipulated the cycle counts to create their desired result and ‘prove’ that the vaccine was extraordinarily effective.
    1 point
  18. Simple question: Whose science are you going to follow?
    1 point
  19. Lord, we humbly come before you and ask for your blessing for Dorthea and the new valve you have made available to her. Lord we ask for you, the great physician to guide the hands of those who will assist you in this. We also pray for peace over the entire Norg family during this time of healing. We pray all this in your son's name, amen!
    1 point
  20. Got to work tonight on those pesky bolts. Cut the heads off and pulled the stater. Took the heat gun to them for a good long time before they loosened up enough to turn out. Simple job gone sideways. Then spent an hour with the heat gun working the gasket off. I have not had to do that in 30 years. Nothing like a 30 year old gasket.
    1 point
  21. Here is one of my favorite Roy Orbinson from the Black and White album.
    1 point
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