Somewhere in my long life of back yard wrench spinning I picked up the slang for the "Oil Cleaner" or "Strainer" as calling it an Oil Pan and, right or wrong,, that stuck.. @N3FOL, Tip, Tweeks and I made the run out to Lake George/Americade for the unveiling of the new bike and then out to Sturgis that fall to demo them so we had a pretty good chance to look em over. Here are a couple vids of the SVTC/Eluder under glass from Sturgis. I do not recall seeing an "Oil Pan" on the new 113 in all that crawling around them/checking them out, I did actually look for one on a demo bike at Sturgis cause I really wanted to check the temp on it with my temp lazer gun cause the factory guys had told me Yamaha had found a new way to control oil/engine temps on their new air cooled engine. I may be wrong, and it would not surprise me one bit to find out I am on this cause it was pretty tight under there for my fat head, but something tells me your scoot does not employ one.