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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2020 in all areas

  1. It seems that most people didn't like the "moon" icon for changing the color of the theme so I've removed it. You can still switch between dark and light by going to the bottom of the page, clicking on theme, and choosing the VentureRider Light theme or the VentureRider Dark theme. Your choice is saved when you come back to the site and you can switch back and forth at any time. If you are one that actually did like the "moon", you can select the theme with selector from the theme menu.
    1 point
  2. I know that many of us have our telephone numbers listed in our profiles. Just a note to ensure you that the phone number field is only viewable by supporting members, moderators, and admins.
    1 point
  3. We had something like this on the old site but I just added it to this one. This feature is enabled for Supporting members and Moderators only. Basically it allows you to ignore posts or entire forums. When you click on a forum, Watering Hole for example, you will see a button that allows you to ignore the entire fiorum. Alternatively, you can ignore single posts. If somebody starts a post in, example again the Watering Hole, if it is of no interest to you then you can go to the first post of that thread and click ignore. Ignored posts and/or entire forums should not show up on your unread posts, search results, etc. This is useful, for example, for those people who come here strictly for the technical advice. If they don't want to read the general chit chat of the Watering Hole or Jokes forums they can choose to ignore them. If there is a single post that is dominating their feed, they can choose to just ignore that post.
    1 point
  4. If I was in the market fo a new sallish bike this would be hgh on my list. But I'm happy with my Vulcan 900cc vtwin for my daily rider. https://www.triumphmotorcycles.com/motorcycles/roadsters/trident/specification?sc_camp=652010D2858A489AA955F1D5820B31D9&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTTJNd01UUTNaVEV5TkRrNSIsInQiOiJQMXpuQXBcL2pycUZ0dWU2RGxjVjZtVE9RWTRXYWM1NTdqakRINmRzOVVpTWwrd2NUSmlydlR1UENqOTZvYmNQcUgxVElXWVVZUXZzTGVXN3VqcGp3WmI4QWRvdW9VZnVmUnoxV3g4Ylc0eVA0ZXc2R0hLempGaEdxSjlOZUdWSkwifQ%3D%3D
    1 point
  5. Dem der is fightin words..... Puc just loves to play wit fire.
    1 point
  6. I don’t understand how the Covid became so politicized other than an opportunity to blame someone. A virus cannot be controlled by a politician but panic can be controlled by media. My area has been partly shut down for months, masks required, and numbers are climbing. I may get it, I may die from it but I refuse to hide from it, blame it on my right of freedom or on my stupidity if you want. Now here are some facts, researched and checked: Percentage of deaths of US population. .07% or 1/1500. Percentage of deaths of positive cases 2.5%. I voted for who I believe to be best for the country, not who thinks they control my health.
    1 point
  7. So why is it that you get the "pantry" and I get the porch?
    1 point
  8. I am 100% sure that either POTUS candidate will continue the aggressive approach to Covid that has been being taken under our current administration. Without a doubt, the production of ventilators and Vaccine research that America knows the world depends on will not be ceased no matter who wins in Nov IMHO. The U.S. people will remain united in its effort to conquer the evil that the Chinese Communist Party released onto the world. On the same token though, and I know this is deeply an American thing and I personally would never expect a non U.S. Citizen to understand the depth of this because, quite frankly, it seems there are many actual U.S. Citizens this means nothing to, but take a second Bum and read what one of our countries Patriots of long ago wrote, this was penned by Patrick Henry back in 1775 and I assure you, there are many many American Patriots that still cling to and believe that there really are some things much more important than life itself = "Give me Liberty or give me death". Hopefully this shines a light for you to understand that no, Covid and the fear of it are not at the top of the list of reasons many Americans are indeed voting for the right person to lead them.
    1 point
  9. I like both ways depending on the time of day. Thanks for the instructions.
    1 point
  10. Not to get too involved in American politics But whoever you all vote for I hope you people strongly consider who is going to be the best suited , most responsible and intelligent candidate to deal with keeping your society healthy in this covid crisis. I realize there are other issues that are also on the table but for the sake of all of you I hope you put your health first the other issues are meaningless if your too sick to care. I realize there are alot out there that still do not believe covid exits but better to be a live fool than a sick or dead skeptic.
    1 point
  11. Keep in mind Patch that water always finds its own level So just for argument sake consider the carb float bowl as being empty The rad is full the cylinder has a flaw allowing water to enter on top of the piston and the intake valve is not closed but the exhaust is. The water level in a full rad is higher than the top of the carbs. in finding its own level the water leaks into the cylinder into the intake fills the venturi where it can make use of a number of passages to enter the float bowl. You keep comenting on the needle seat being closed but that passage does not enter the venturi that is only a shut off for fuel entering the bowel from the fuel line. there are numerous other passages which if you ever rebuilt one of these carbs you would notice. Now add pressure as in testing and you overrule the water level principle based on gravity etc. and drive the water from the high pressure area to the low pressure area. The other possibility for the source of internal coolant leaks is if the intake is closed and there is a crack in the head between the intake passage and water jacket in the head. Which @Popsnana19655would make having the head checked for cracks a good idea before reinstalling it
    1 point
  12. Nice to know that you will root for ME every time even if I may be wrong. Its great to have friends in low places. Thanks Buddy.
    1 point
  13. Thanks Cowpuc. I'm reading the temp on the header pipe. I checked the plug, it is clean and gapped correctly (.9mm) I spoke w/ a mechanic today and he echoed much of what you said, lean mix, vacuum leak, carb sync or stuck float. He also mentioned possibility of a stuck exhaust valve. I like your idea of unlit propane. At least if I can rule one thing out, its a start. I'm ready to throw in the towel and take it to the yama dealer & let their seasoned mechanics fix it. I was hoping for something obvious and simple, but it rarely goes that way. The things you are talking about are out of my skill range/knowledge base and I'm getting depressed not being able to ride my new baby. I just want it fixed so I can go ride.
    1 point
  14. Thanks Squid!! That moon thingy was really starting to get under my skin lol
    1 point
  15. It is a good watch, reminds me why I don’t do social media.
    1 point
  16. Boy oh boy do I want to reply to that, but being the nice little rule follower I am I’ll leave it alone. No politics here boss nope none whatsoever.
    1 point
  17. Not quite a year since my last post and we are finally back. Really excited to start working on this project again. I actually started this past summer looking for replacement plastics. Nothing on this bike is in that good of condition and so I have been working on finding crack free parts. I only have a couple more pieces to find and I will have a complete crack free body to put on later this summer. Right now I have two smaller projects I am working on. First up is the bank of coils with the plug caps and wires. New caps and wires were ordered last week, and I am working on getting the coils removed so I can clean up the metal bracket and get it painted. I'm also working on the rear brake components and have everything pretty much disassembled. Most of the parts needed to do the rebuild were just ordered. Lot's of work to do this winter so stay tuned for more as the progress continues.
    1 point
  18. Hiya Donny; early 'opinion' from An Olde Pharte as requested: So far, after roughly a half dozen attempts, we're not real 'comfy' with ANY of them yet. BUT... at virtually (10 more days) 78 yrs of age, whaddya want from us, EH???~ We'll wait a little longer before choosing, but as always we LOVE the incredible amount of time AND effort you put into this Thang. Hope it'll get easier for you in The Long Run.~ Uber-Warmest Rgds, WRIDR
    1 point
  19. pizza what i want. i really like the grid it has pictures
    1 point
  20. True it is cheaper than therapy..
    1 point
  21. But we bring so much more to the table it’s worth y’all paying to see it. I’m not saying if it’s more knowledge, wisdom, humor, or pure BS.
    1 point
  22. OK easy enough to do, but are you asking how to do it or what type lights to buy? I make a breakout harness that installs under the seat so you can easily tap into the rear lighting without having to cut into the bike's wiring, see my add below. Maybe this helps.
    1 point
  23. OK folks, I am done. If you find that your membership is expired and you think that it shouldn't be, please send me a message, email, etc. and I will look into it.
    1 point
  24. Thanks for all your work brother 👍
    1 point
  25. @cowpucYou need to come to Kanuckian land more. we only use real butter and bread always gets buttered before anything at all goes on
    1 point
  26. Ok, let's look at it from this perspective: I work for a manufacturer, although in an unrelated industry. Nobody knows a product and it's limitations better than the company who designed and manufactured it. The vehicle manufacturers do not design or manufacture tires. Tire manufacturers design and manufacture tires. Vehicle manufacturers buy tires from tire manufacturers just like we do. The recommended air pressure as per the vehicle manufacturer should match that of the tire manufacturer of the tire selected by the vehicle manufacturer to be the OEM tire on that vehicle. When the tire installed is not the OEM tire there may be a difference between the vehicle and tire manufacturer recommendations. I will go with the tire manufacturer recommendations every time.
    1 point
  27. Still cant tell your RIGHT from your LEFT,,,,, eh LOL.
    0 points
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