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Southern Ohio


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New here, haven't got the picture thing worked out how I want but I am not good with computers..they hate me.

We work our way down from northwest Cincinnati to RT52 that follows the Ohio River,since RT32 in OH and the AA highway in KY have opened this road is now a great road with very little traffic other than locals. Very scenic.Well we make our first "p" stop at Point Pleasant at the rest area and home of Grant's birth place...nice little stop


We are on a XS 1100 Yamaha and 750 Honda.A little museum is across the street to see Grant's early years,we were a bit early so it wasn't open.

As we travel east on 52 we stop at Meldahl Dam,no barges going thru at this time,we were fenced off from getting any closer than the parking lot,maybe 9/11 had something to do with this,had a little obervation tower we used to go up in.

Back on 52 we ride along some nice road till we drop of to pick up Boudes Ferry to take us to KY...




To cross over it was $2 a bike,it must be run by KY cause if OH ran it there would be a tweleve foot high fence on it to keep you from falling off. What is really cool about this ferry is the engine house,he is facing forward as he pulls up and when ready to go back the whole engine house turns around so the actual ferry never turns...neat as shti.

So we are now in Augusta KY,ya gotta visit this old river town,sit by the river or just walk around,put it on your list. We find RT8 and it is empty of traffic,follows the river,smooth,scenic....it don't get any better.As we travel RT8 we miss the Rankin House in Ripley OH,it sits high above the river and has a great view of the Ohio River on a bend.

We hit Maysville KY and stop to see the flood wall and walk around on the river side,neat town..it is growing and why did we want to see the flood wall? Size perspective.....[ATTACH]21649[/ATTACH]

Well we cross back into Ohio and on RT 52 again,as we keep travelling east we pass one of my favorite state parks,Shawnee State Park,the lodge is great and the area is beautiful,the trails I am told are used to get in shape for those who plan on hiking the Appalichian trail.

We finally make it to Portsmouth to see the flood walls,1/4 mile long and depicts the history of the area and on the river side is a park and you can just enjoy the river.[ATTACH]21650[/ATTACH]



From there our final goal was Hocking Hills State Park to meet up with a few Harley riders,some great roads getting there,ya can't go wrong in OHIO.We spent the next day riding around the area,fantastic place to visit,easy walking trails..but would stay away from the weekends





First report,click on the pics for a bigger picture..I hate computers...This trip was last October and will try to make it again this year as I had a great time.




XS1100 Yamaha..It's Evil, Wicked,Mean And Nasty.....:sun1:

Edited by steppenwolf
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Man, I was reading that and thinking;" iwanna go, I wanna go, and was thinking, "I wished he posted that he was going to do that, i would have gotten up before breakfast and rode to Cincinnati to ride along with him",,, and then I got to the part about he did it in October. Oh well, I still felt like I was there.

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Thanks for the kind words..I make my reports usually a little short and long on pictures..first report and kept it short,left out a few facts. It was a Harley event but I was still invited,friendly fun of my"rice burner"it was a priveldge to be there. But of the twelve riders who I met up with.....one got hit by a car at the exit ramp to the motel,many broken bones and the couple who invited me had an accident also.I was not on this ride with them as my friend and I did our own ride,we wanted to hike a bit and check out the park more than ride.My friends wife( these are true Harley riders,had over 20,000 miles so far last year when I met up with them) while they were out in a group she hit some gravel,went down and he just nicked her rear fender and totaled his bike,I heard on my scanner that two bikers were down didn't realize it was them till the next morning when I saw them,road rash and high as kites on drugs. They healed and ironically three hours after I made the ride report I was invited back for this years ride on the 3rd,4th and 5th of OCT.I have the motel and campground ph#s...he haw.The 20th of this month is the SWOKZ run,a bunch of us old farts riding old bikes for three days...my first time there.

Just thinking....should I ride my partners Harley,she wouldn't care to the Hocking Hills ride? [ATTACH]21696[/ATTACH]

Naw.....my Yamaha will do just FINE by me.

Ohio is just not corn fields with flat level roads..........a great place to visit ........

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Thanks for the kind words..I make my reports usually a little short and long on pictures..first report and kept it short,left out a few facts. It was a Harley event but I was still invited,friendly fun of my"rice burner"it was a priveldge to be there. But of the twelve riders who I met up with.....one got hit by a car at the exit ramp to the motel,many broken bones and the couple who invited me had an accident also.I was not on this ride with them as my friend and I did our own ride,we wanted to hike a bit and check out the park more than ride.My friends wife( these are true Harley riders,had over 20,000 miles so far last year when I met up with them) while they were out in a group she hit some gravel,went down and he just nicked her rear fender and totaled his bike,I heard on my scanner that two bikers were down didn't realize it was them till the next morning when I saw them,road rash and high as kites on drugs. They healed and ironically three hours after I made the ride report I was invited back for this years ride on the 3rd,4th and 5th of OCT.I have the motel and campground ph#s...he haw.The 20th of this month is the SWOKZ run,a bunch of us old farts riding old bikes for three days...my first time there.

Just thinking....should I ride my partners Harley,she wouldn't care to the Hocking Hills ride? [ATTACH]21696[/ATTACH]

Naw.....my Yamaha will do just FINE by me.

Ohio is just not corn fields with flat level roads..........a great place to visit ........


you see!


i told you , that you was HOOKED!!!

you are part of this family, now!

you do need to ride a first gen, for a few hundred mikes, JUST for the" halibut".

then you will KNOW why all these "brethren and cisterns", are so passionate about these behemoths.

ride SAFE my friend!

just jt

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just jt,

:thumbsup2: Naw, you are just trying to convert me into buying one of the new'83's...I am riding one of the original founding fathers of the Venture,the sparkle in your mom's eye years ago....this bike is me....it's all most all orginal and the commet has been made a time or two from other riders "It always starts"..I have history with this bike.. I wouldn't wanna run it on the interstates from here(Cincinnati) to LA but put me on RT.50 to Frisco....give me your credit card.My independent dealer,who only works on the top 4 Jap bikes and does not sell bikes rides a Venture...forget the year'89 maybe,a pretty blue color.

I am hooked a bit as you say,if I come across one,maybe I will get it and make it my 2nd ride......ouch that hurt I am sure:-)


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With great sadness I wanna say thank you for being so kind to me..I realize I ride a different bike and this site is dedicated to the Venture...I came here for some info for another site,I like all brands and all bikes,but in fairness to those who ride the Venture and came here to read about it cause it is their choice and passion to read about it...the XS1100 is a different motorcycle,and when on the 1100 site I wanna read about the 1100 and when I am on my all brand site I want all brands to participate.

So you have a great web site and a good group of people!!!!!!!!!!!

You are riding a great bike and racking up the miles and seeing places that only you will remember........so...life is a collection of memories..they will live on forever...TAKE CARE RIDE SAFE...

Bill...........The Wolf

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With great sadness I wanna say thank you for being so kind to me..I realize I ride a different bike and this site is dedicated to the Venture...I came here for some info for another site,I like all brands and all bikes,but in fairness to those who ride the Venture and came here to read about it cause it is their choice and passion to read about it...the XS1100 is a different motorcycle,and when on the 1100 site I wanna read about the 1100 and when I am on my all brand site I want all brands to participate.

So you have a great web site and a good group of people!!!!!!!!!!!

You are riding a great bike and racking up the miles and seeing places that only you will remember........so...life is a collection of memories..they will live on forever...TAKE CARE RIDE SAFE...

Bill...........The Wolf


Bill, don't be a stranger. you are always welcome here, 'cause we don't care WHAT you ride.

we care THAT you ride, in good health , and safety!

hang around, if ya have the time.

just jt

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With great sadness I wanna say thank you for being so kind to me..I realize I ride a different bike and this site is dedicated to the Venture...I came here for some info for another site,I like all brands and all bikes,but in fairness to those who ride the Venture and came here to read about it cause it is their choice and passion to read about it...the XS1100 is a different motorcycle,and when on the 1100 site I wanna read about the 1100 and when I am on my all brand site I want all brands to participate.

So you have a great web site and a good group of people!!!!!!!!!!!

You are riding a great bike and racking up the miles and seeing places that only you will remember........so...life is a collection of memories..they will live on forever...TAKE CARE RIDE SAFE...

Bill...........The Wolf


Dude. If you ever read this post, heh, gotcha, lol anyway, sorry, we are in your heart now, you will be back and I and all else hope you will be.


Personally, I and many other people could care less that you do not ride a Venture. You sound and act like a real likable person. You are at least linked to a "Venturer".


Dude, as I have said before, show up with that gorgeous behemoth at a M&E, Venture-in, Rally or whatever, you will be welcomed as the FAMILY and your ride will be accepted and popular.


At this point, it is your choice. You MAKE the decision.


Hope to see you again in text or in person. YOU will be person losing the most, not to say that we will not lose, the most.


Take that chance, you WILL regret it - or be back LOL.


I WILL not give you another chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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just jt,

Naw, you are just trying to convert me into buying one of the new'83's


THAT'S what i'm talkin 'bout , Bill.

a SECOND ride, for the LONG haul, COMFY rides!

just jt


Bill he was actually refering to a Second Gen being COMFY for long hauls Not the 83. :rotf:

JT he basically has one of those 83's :stirthepot::rotf:



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When I started this site about 4 or so years ago, I started it as a Venture and Royal Star site. The format has worked well for us but that does not mean that others are not welcome. It's been said many times that the bikes are what brought us together but it's the friendships that keep us together. That is what is truly important here. We have a number of members who ride other bikes and they too are dear friends and post here often. Heck, even the guy who is coordinating our 2009 International Rally rides a Goldwing. :)


Not only are you welcome here but the pictures of your bike and adventures are encouraged. Though many of us ride the Venture and Royal Stars now, there is a great depth of experience here on many different makes and models.

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Ok ,Ok I knew I would be back to have a look see,human instinct. I know I would be welcome at any Venture outing as a Venture rider would be at an XS meeting..we like bikes.I came here on a fact finding mission but...stayed a bit cause I liked what I saw and Freebird was begging me to stay and since he lives in the greatest state in the Union...I will lurk:sun:I will keep to the picture and wateringhole areas mainly as I don't know any thing about your bikes.I am connected with a site that I have not spent the time there that I should,moderators are supposed to do those things:-) but it is dying any way. Thanks for the kind words, so keep your eyes open the Wolf is back in town and on the prowel.Invited to a Kaw run in two weeks and a Harley run in three weeks,should be fun with some pictures. So as I say good bye....a picture of me camping..................



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Ok ,Ok I knew I would be back to have a look see,human instinct. I know I would be welcome at any Venture outing as a Venture rider would be at an XS meeting..we like bikes.I came here on a fact finding mission but...stayed a bit cause I liked what I saw and Freebird was begging me to stay and since he lives in the greatest state in the Union...I will lurk:sun:I will keep to the picture and wateringhole areas mainly as I don't know any thing about your bikes.I am connected with a site that I have not spent the time there that I should,moderators are supposed to do those things:-) but it is dying any way. Thanks for the kind words, so keep your eyes open the Wolf is back in town and on the prowel.Invited to a Kaw run in two weeks and a Harley run in three weeks,should be fun with some pictures. So as I say good bye....a picture of me camping..................




Too late , bill! we know where ya live!

if you don't check in regularly, WE WILL send the "boys from the Bronx", to come callin' on ya!



you know the type, Vinny, and Carlos, and Louie.

stay safe, brother, and check in often!

just jt:080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv:

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I will keep to the picture and wateringhole areas


If you do this you will miss many of the funny posts/comments and lot of the fun. As a lot of posts can get sideways quite quickly. So I use the "NEW POSTS" and skim through.


Caution When you do this consider yourself hooked further.




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