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My Nephew who lives with me was sworn into the Navy yesterday morning. The wife and I are so proud of Him. He wont be leaving for Basic at Great Lakes til March though because His School has no openings. He came home from St. Lois last night so pysched. I told him to keep that attitude and he will do fine. Best thing he could do cause there is just nothing here for the young kids right out of High School. I t will help him to mature. Just like it did for me when I joined the Military right out of High School. He's talking he wants to make a career out of it. I told him thats fine I will support him even if he just wants to stay in for the 4 yrs of his enlistment. He also has 3 of his buddies ready to sign up if they do he will be a E-3 going to basic:cool10:



Congrats. He should do just fine, with you and your wife supporting him. Dang didn't know they went up pay grades for signing up other folks. Don't think they did that when I was in.




Congrats. I served in the Navy 20 years ago (does that make me :backinmyday:?) and did my training at Great Lakes affectionately known as Great Mistakes.

Congrats. He should do just fine, with you and your wife supporting him. Dang didn't know they went up pay grades for signing up other folks. Don't think they did that when I was in.




Actually your pay grade in basic is still E-1, but at the end you get moved to E-3 and I think you even get retro pay. At least that's how they did it when I was in if you could get your friends to also enlist.


Didn't have trouble getting people to sign up when I went. Just sent them that letter that said "Greetings From the President of the United States" I jumped the gun and beat the letter thought it was going to be fun!!!

Tell him not to listen to all the Naysayers and it can be Great!!


I too was in the Navy. He will have an option to buy into a college tuition program (while in bootcamp) where he will pay $1200 (thats how much I paid) and then have three years of college paid for after that. Its a great deal of :mo money:earned and saved. The amount they pay far exceeds the amount of instate tuition.


Stay safe and keep the rubber on the road.




I did 20 years 2 days in the Navy as an AWH h is for helos... had some good times and bad but wouldnt change a thing if i could.. retired in 97 and uncle sam has paid for my house ever since. If he can hang there are bennies to doing 20. GOOD LUCK TO HIM:337:p.s. Tell him thank you from an old salt !!!!!!


I would like to join the accolades and congratulations. The military is a very proud tradition...there is no greater honor than to serve one's country. When I was a young, dumb kid I joined the Air Force (1964)--two weeks later I received a draft notice...Whew! Saved by the AF recruiter! Of course I went in for "four" years...then the plan was to return to the old home town. Twenty-eight years later I, and the wonderful lady (Military Lady) I met while in the service, retired from a joint forty-eight years of service. I look back on it with great honor and, to this day, wonder how it could have seemed to go by so fast.

Thank your nephew for his future service and protection of our wonderful Nation. I wish him the best.

Jim T :thumbsup2::thumbsup2: Two thumbs up!


that realy something to be proud of. I don't have to tell you after he goes though boot camp he will never be the same. The at is when I grew up and learned what team work was all about. He will never regret doing this.

Congrats. He should do just fine, with you and your wife supporting him. Dang didn't know they went up pay grades for signing up other folks. Don't think they did that when I was in.




That's something they came up with after figuring out that the voluntary thing really doesn't work when there's a war going on.


congrats to your nephew! my step son is in the coast guard, working on 14 yrs. he works for the adj. gen in commucations. he went in right out of high school, and really liked it. when his dad passed a few yrs ago, he was thinking about coming out, but i told him there was nothing around here that would pay him what he's making and the benefits. he just maked chief in june, which make things a lot better. we are leaving sat to visit him and sitesee around dc with him. tell your nephew that there will be some hard times but it worth it in the long run. :happy34:

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