lonestarmedic Posted September 2, 2008 #1 Posted September 2, 2008 So, I was prodded today to update the October 18th Stampede details. I am planning on riding to East Texas this coming weekend to get solid details. I realize I haven't been prolific on the upcoming meet. My job and other obligations have kept me off the road more than I might like. My plans for the labor day weekend went out the window with the lack of parts. The bike is back together and ready to run. And I used the extra time to make a new workbench and set up the Mocha Lair for tearing apart bikes. I hope to leave Friday and drop into Houston for a visit. Then on to East Texas. If anyone is up for a road trip, give me a yell. JB
BuddyRich Posted September 2, 2008 #2 Posted September 2, 2008 I was just fixin to ask about it too. You got any hotels info yet ?
lonestarmedic Posted September 2, 2008 Author #3 Posted September 2, 2008 BuddyRich- I will after this coming weekend. Got the enetrainment and rides figured out. Just having trouble getting a good meet site without actually seeing the places. I am trying for a place with rooms, campsites, and a pavilion all in one. Hoping to hear back from Road Runner magazine. They are doing a feature on East Texas for the October issue!! JB
gunboat Posted September 2, 2008 #4 Posted September 2, 2008 hi jb i have to work friday nite, but your still welcome to stay at the house. i would still be willing to tag along. don't know how far your trying to go friday. would try to catch up with you sat if your going to press on. best reguards don c.
Mavrick Posted September 2, 2008 #5 Posted September 2, 2008 JB, Let me know where you are planning on riding and I will meet up with you. I am in Athens. Mavrick
lonestarmedic Posted September 2, 2008 Author #6 Posted September 2, 2008 Planning on spending the nite in Houston Friday. I want to visit with TxVenture. Then on the road early Saturday for parts East. Thanks for the spot on the porch Don! Promise not to take the dog's favorite spot. I want to stay through to Sunday nite and then come back to S.A. on Monday. JB
lonestarmedic Posted September 2, 2008 Author #7 Posted September 2, 2008 I am planning on being between the Rusk-Palestine area and the Jefferson area. The train ride is at Rusk and the paddleboat is on Caddo Lake. Interstate 20 out of Houston cuts right between these places. Lake O' the Pines is about 9-10 miles west of Jefferson. Anyone got the Ride Texas Magazine from last year with the 3 leg bike route? I loaned mine out and it hasn't returned. JB
Kregerdoodle Posted September 2, 2008 #8 Posted September 2, 2008 JB, I have the mag, i will just have to find it. I`ll let ya know. What time will you in on friday?? I may ride over to Dons and mess with ya`ll and bring that mag if.. you know... I find it.. Kreg
lonestarmedic Posted September 2, 2008 Author #9 Posted September 2, 2008 I am taking off work on Friday and Monday. So, I will be in town early. I want to stop at a couple places on the way. Hope to make it over to TxVentures late afternoon etc. JB
gunboat Posted September 2, 2008 #10 Posted September 2, 2008 hi jb when i go into work tonite i'll see about getting fri nite off. but if not i might be able to leave early. i normaly get off at 7:00 am saturday moring. will let you know, either way you'r still welcome to stay onthe porch. best reguards don c.
jburrell Posted September 3, 2008 #11 Posted September 3, 2008 jb, New rider here in Houston. gunboat,kbay and a few others have met me.If you are having a ride thru Houston to East Tx in Oct I would like to ride along. You should know though there is no I 20 that goes through Houston. I-20 goes through Dallas east/west across Texas. I 45 and I 59 run north/south while, I-10 runs east/west in the southern part of state to Fla etc. I am sure the guys here will make sure you don't get lost. Hope to meet you at Gunboats. Have a nice ride in. jburrell
lonestarmedic Posted September 3, 2008 Author #12 Posted September 3, 2008 Sorry - I ment to mark as East of Dallas, not Houston. The Lake o the Pines is outside of Dallas and North of Houston. If you look it is across the border from Shreveport. Thats what happens when I try and type and map from my PDA phone instead of my computer. JB
Vance Posted September 3, 2008 #14 Posted September 3, 2008 Man JB, we sure woke you up! lol Apparently he is paying attention.
gunboat Posted September 3, 2008 #15 Posted September 3, 2008 hi jb the deed is done, have friday nite off. looking forward to the ride. best reguards don c.
lonestarmedic Posted September 3, 2008 Author #16 Posted September 3, 2008 I will be in Friday about 1-2pm. I need a PM with your address and TxVenture's address. I want to visit with him and then anchor on your porch. We can wait for KBay to show up then tell a few tales. Let's take off Sat. early, hit the train depot in Rusk and go from there. When we get close we will call MasterGuns and make the meet there. He is going to ride with us around the area until Sunday AM. If anyone else wants to join in we can set a breakfast kickstand spot in Houston and then a lunch spot in Rusk. I am looking towards maybe having enough folks to divide up and have one pair run the ride route (100-120 miles) and one set go to Caddo Lake and check the paddleboat. JB
Kregerdoodle Posted September 4, 2008 #17 Posted September 4, 2008 JB, I turned this place upside down looking for that mag, I know I posted the map from it on here some place, I will look again tonight. DonC. Let me know what time you are headed for Don H. house, and I will meet up with you, I can get off any time I want Friday, so give me a call or post back here... Kreg
gunboat Posted September 4, 2008 #18 Posted September 4, 2008 hi kreg sent you a pm this am with the info to my house. i was a work so let me know if you got it. thanks and best reguards don c.
MasterGuns Posted September 4, 2008 #19 Posted September 4, 2008 JB, I will be arriving Rusk late Friday and staying in a motel. You have my cell number. I will be somewhere around there waiting for your call Saturday AM. Looking forward to meeting everyone at the Texas Railroad thing. Have a safe ride up from Houston.
Tom Posted September 5, 2008 #20 Posted September 5, 2008 Dont do alot of smiling guys...THE LOVE BUGS are out in full force,went from Opelousas,La over here to Palestine,Texas today and the little black bugs are terrible!! Have Fun!
MasterGuns Posted September 5, 2008 #21 Posted September 5, 2008 Great! I hate bugs! Was you on a sled or in a cage? Dont do alot of smiling guys...THE LOVE BUGS are out in full force,went from Opelousas,La over here to Palestine,Texas today and the little black bugs are terrible!! Have Fun!
Tom Posted September 5, 2008 #22 Posted September 5, 2008 Great! I hate bugs! Was you on a sled or in a cage? I was driving my Wal Mart truck.Was doing some disaster relief work,driving in water etc..Tom
lonestarmedic Posted September 5, 2008 Author #23 Posted September 5, 2008 Two ideas come to mind. PLEDGE AND PAM. JB
Kregerdoodle Posted September 6, 2008 #24 Posted September 6, 2008 OK, I use Pledge on my bike, but whats the Pam do and how are you using it??? Two ideas come to mind. PLEDGE AND PAM. JB
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