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Sunday Ride into Kentucky

Mariner Fan

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I met up with LeadWolf, 93 Venture, and FreezyRider's group at Madison, Indiana.


The gang gathers.



I parked next to another Venture. This bike didn't belong to FreezyRiders group. We never saw the owner.



Check out the exhaust pipes on this bike! Almost looks like a set of glasspacks....:)






Joe took us South into Kentucky with some great twisties and nice scenery. I've never seen tobacco plants before! Had to ask what they were! :confused24:


We also ran into an IronMan Triathlon. We had to ride slow to allow the bicyclists to proceed. I was stuck riding next to a young female hottie riding her bike in a blue swimsuit. Geez, that was tough! :whistling: Deb, don't forget to send me the pictures! :rotf:


Stopped to have lunch at the Old Talbott Tavern in Bardstown.






Gratuitous shot of my bike..;)






The interior was rough cut beams and stone walls. Very nice!



Hey Kevin!



Group shot taken by our waitress "bug". She even left a present in Joe's salad!




I had to peal off after lunch. One of my employees was hurt in a fall so I had to go check on him. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures. The bunch were heading to the Makers Mark distillery when I left!


Oh yea, watch out for an unmarked black Mustang in Louisville Kentucky. Don't ask me how I know. :mad:

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$150.00. I set the cruise to 71 but didn't know I was in a 55 mph zone. Cop picked me out of all the others doing the same speed.


Hey Bob, if you'd been riding the original stealth bike, a 1st gen, he would'nt have even seen ya!!! Passed by 3 Ohio State Highway Patrols yesterday, out by myself, doing graciously over their slow speed limit, didn't even get a rise out of them!!!!!!




Hope your guy is OK.

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Glad to see you guys had a goodtime Bob! Kinda wish we would have went but just ended up relaxing at home and doing alittle riding around the area, first time in at least ten years I have been in town and not on a schedule and it was nice for a change.

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Great pics and narration, Bob!! :clap2:


Sorry I missed another my borther, looks like great day, man was it hot though!


Maybe next one!!!


Work has me buried with the Ohio Aquistion looks like it is going to be that way for awhile.


Dude, we went right through LaGrange. I didn't pre-plan the ride so I didn't have your number ready. I was kicking myself cause I wanted to call you. We were stuck there due to a bicycle triathalon.

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Dude, we went right through LaGrange. I didn't pre-plan the ride so I didn't have your number ready. I was kicking myself cause I wanted to call you. We were stuck there due to a bicycle triathalon.


Yeah it came right through here, we could have hung out for sure! We'll get it next time! Hey we can't be in two many places together at one time, gotta keep the mystery alive!:rotf:

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