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Bad news from Canadian crew going to PIP


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Guest spetersen

Hi Johane (and Bob's family )


Thanks for letting us know how your dad is doing. My name is Noella (Syd's wife). We have enjoyed your dad's friendship since the early '90's when him and Syd rode GoldWings. Syd and I also belong to the Northern Star Riders of Sask. My "name" on the Forum is "LilHugger" and I can't wait to see Bob so I can collect my HUG !! (make sure you let him know...haha)

We are thankful that he had such great people to help him a week ago. As was said before, please take care of yourselves too. He'll need your strength later. In the meantime, I hope Bob's family takes strength from his motorcycle "family".


Noella and Syd Petersen

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Please continue to keep us updated and if you need to vent or cry out, please don't hesitate to use your extended and extensive family here! We all feel your fustration, fear and hopes as many of us use a trailer, never mind just riding. WE ARE PRAYING DAILY FOR HIS COMFORT AND SPEEDY RECOVERY!

God bless.


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Guest Big Bob Daughter



My dad had an uneventful night, the only thing is that they stopped the tube feeding as he was not digesting . This morning they took the sedation off and the plan was once he was awake enough they were going to let him breath on his own for an hour then take blood to read the oxygen levels and slowly wean him off the ventilation and eventually take the tube out. While he was becoming more alert they brought him in to do a CAT scan. They found some blood in his lungs, so they needed to start and increase the sedation medication again. 3 doctors came in to insert a tube in his right lung so that it can drain and hopefully take out the blood and fluid that is building up in there. They said that it should relieve pressure on the lung and make it easier to breath on his own so that they can try agian tomorrow to start weanning him off.


He was pretty alert this morning when we got to his room, they had the bed position like a big lazy boy. He was nodding his head "Yes" and "No" when asked questions. I reread his cards to him and showed him his new bell. He managed to smile a few times. My mom and brother were also able to see him and talk to him.


We are now back at the hotel for a couple of hours to rest.


Johanne xoxoxox

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I've been reading your posts and I wish all of you the very best. Your family will remain in my prayers. Recovery from serious injuries is never smooth. Good days and not so good days. I hope someday to meet this fine Gentleman at one of the future rallies. Ronnie Key (From the Hills of East TN)

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Guest Big Bob Daughter

I just called the hospital and everything went really good inserting the tube in his lungs (3 doctors, 15 minutes) They removed 740 ml of blood (1000 ml = 1 liter) This will remove alot of the pressure, already his oxygen level is up to 100% so they will slowly bring down the machine and get him to breath on his own.


We are now off to the hospital,


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Guest Big Bob Daughter

Big Bob is looking good.


Removing the pressure in his lungs by inserting a drainage tube did him wonders!!!


They took the sedation off this morning and have kept it off all day (they are hopeing that they won't need to put it back on). He is alot more awake and can stay up for a longer period of time. He is moving his legs and his arms and is able to open both eyes (the right eye is looking really good). He is VERY thirsty but he can't have water until the ventilator tube is out. I also got to see the nurse change his wrap on the left arm and see the pins and wires that are keeping his wrist together. It looked clean and his arm looked staright, Dr. Adams did a beautiful job on his arms! Now that he is more alert, we asked if his neck hurt when he nodded and he said "No". When we left the hospital, they were going to bring him in for neck x-rays to see how it looked. The neurosurgeon will then make a decision whether they will remove the neck brace or not.


My brother, his girlfriend and my uncle (mom's brother) left this afternoon for Winnipeg. Now it is just my mom and I and we are both doing good and pleased with my dad's strengh and slow but sure progress. Baby steps, but it is in the right direction.


Hopefully, if he continues to improve like he has been they will remove the tube tomorrow afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Hope everyone had a wonderful riding weekend,

Johanne :sun1:

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thank you so much for the updates.


thankfully he is progressing.


we are one large family in here and we are all checking frequently to hear how he is doing.


we met your dad at the international meet in Kitchener and we know he is one heck of a guy and hope he will be back on his feet soon.


hopefully all our prayers are also helping give him strength.


Scott and Sherry

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thats great that BoB is making progress and starting to turn the corner. It sounds like Bob is in great hands and being looked after and getting better all the time.


Take care of yourself and each other, we are thinking of you, anything you need please ask and we will help in any way we can.



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We just got home from our extended PIP run last night, and the first thing I did when I got at the computer was to scout through the threads looking for news on Bob. Sounds like it's been one tough week, but good to hear that he's coming around some. We'll continue to keep him and his family in our prayers. Also thinking of the group that was riding down with him. Had to be a very tough thing to see and deal with, one of your own down and hurting so badly. Tough to climb back on your own bike and head on down to PIP, but glad you all made it okay. Larry

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