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apology due

Snarley Bill

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if i offended anyone on the florida law thread i apologize. there are just a couple of things that rub me the wrong way and coming down on sport bikes happens to be one of them. i will try to control myself in the future. further more i will garantee you i ain't no timid wallflower, just ask my wife. she will verify what a pain in the butt i am in real life. :rasberry: bill

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Maybe you got that Gold Wing blood flowing through ya now...........:rotfl::rotfl:
i am really trying to not let that ornery old fart trait rub off on me i just go there for the tech stuff. boy, you think we have controversy on this site. they thrive on it over there. will say them old farts know their wings. :)
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We all get the urge to speak our minds when we read or hear something that gets our dander up. Forums are the worst way to express throughts, because you can't tell many times of the tone of the conversation. It's a very sensitive subject when lawmakers go after certain area of the population due to maybe or maybe not misconceptions. We have ALL done stupid things in our lives, there are none of us that are above reproach.


Myself as a moderator, I dont take the opportunity to usually engage in the hot topic threads. It seems that when I do, some folks take that as a sign that it's a free for all to say what they want. I keep quiet so not to fuel the fire, but rest assured I DO HAVE AN OPINION. I choose not to drag the forum down with some of my views thet I'm sure others would look at as being extreme. This is why we dont talk Religion or Politics as they always go bad.


I'm sure many of our LEO's have had 1st hand experience with squids. I have had a few do the same thing to me and I just shake my head and hope that they never reproduce. We all have the right to feel a certain way on subjects, we dont have the right to come on here and spill it out and start fires. That isn't a slam at anyone in particular, but the reason we have a close knit group here is we dont let threads that get out of hand stick around. If I can have restraint about posting to threads, it is not beyond all of us to not fuel the fires. OK off the soapbox

:soapbox: and Bill, you do a lot for this forum, no apology is nessecary :thumbsup2:

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if i offended anyone on the florida law thread i apologize. there are just a couple of things that rub me the wrong way and coming down on sport bikes happens to be one of them. i will try to control myself in the future. further more i will garantee you i ain't no timid wallflower, just ask my wife. she will verify what a pain in the butt i am in real life. :rasberry: bill




I thought nothing about it there's nothing to be sorry about, besides if everybody knew you like us the committee and the some of the family here do. Then there would be no apologies needed. If everyone knew what you have done for so many family members here they would think nothing of it, besides everyone has a bad day I tell everyone that even myself.

Forget it my friend .........Will see you & Linda in about 15-16 days from now..



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I thought nothing about it there's nothing to be sorry about, besides if everybody knew you like us the committee and the some of the family here do. Then there would be no apologies needed. If everyone knew what you have done for so many family members here they would think nothing of it, besides everyone has a bad day I tell everyone that even myself.

Forget it my friend .........Will see you & Linda in about 15-16 days from now..



thanks brad and buddy, and i can't wait for eureka springs. just wish you could be there brad. sure have a hankering for you know who's cheese cake. bill :2133:
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thanks brad and buddy, and i can't wait for eureka springs. just wish you could be there brad. sure have a hankering for you know who's cheese cake. bill :2133:



I truly wish we could be there my friend, them #'s just aren't coming up! It's a conspiracy man


We'll shoot through St. Louis on our way to Texas at Christmas, so you'll have to wait until then for some cheesecake....be safe in ES and we'll see you folks soon.

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As Squidly said "Bill, you do a lot for this forum, no apology is necessary"


I get my dander up to as we all do and I am very opinionated also.

Something here gets my bells in a uproar and I have typed out a page of rage

and after I am finished I read it, Spell check it, then refine it and after I am done

and have made my point I DELETE IT. Because I am calmed down by then.

Also because there is no need for me to make enemies over a subject that will not change the minds on either side of the fence. Besides I might lose a good friend for something that in the long run really will not matter down the road.


In the scheme of things it will not serve this site for the better and has no real value but to hurt someone..............................Ron:2cents:

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if i offended anyone on the florida law thread i apologize. there are just a couple of things that rub me the wrong way and coming down on sport bikes happens to be one of them. i will try to control myself in the future. further more i will garantee you i ain't no timid wallflower, just ask my wife. she will verify what a pain in the butt i am in real life. :rasberry: bill



DANG, Bill, you are getting soft in your old age!

i read every opinion, on that thread, and didn't see ANY reason for an apology.

granted, it did get a little WARM, but when you are "rubbed the wrong way", that happens. i didn't respond to that thread, because it has nothing to do with me, here in big T.

i have had occasion to dislike "crotch rocket", riders,because of their showing off, but i have nothing against the bikes themselves.

just jt

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Wpredock, I wrote up a reply to that thread then deleted it because it sounded as if I absolutely hated sportbikes. Well, I don't hate them I just hate the people who do stupid stuff on them, like the bunch that got shut down on the I10 Bayway in Mobile last week, after doing in excess of 140mph, IN TRAFFIC. Or, like the guy that passed me on the RIGHT of the right lane on the interstate. If he had hit me at the speed he was going we both would have been dead. And it's not the old fart in me either. My son rode an R1 for years; he and I rode to Oregon and back...him on his R1 and me on my RSV. I have the utmost respect for thoses that can ride sportbikes because I can't. But I have no respect for ANY rider that doesn't respect the law and those around him on the road.


As for riding a Goldwing I am trying to do my part to change the opinion of people; I wave to EVERYONE. As for the other site, I just can't figure out why people want to take a fine bike like the Goldwing and change everything. If they don't like it as designed why did they buy it in the first place ???????

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It's great you apologized, but you DID NOT need to! Personally I loved your comment about not growing up...I hope you never grow up, you're having to much fun. My kids say the same thing to me, and I just tell them when they get to be my age they'll understand.



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Wpredock, I wrote up a reply to that thread then deleted it because it sounded as if I absolutely hated sportbikes. Well, I don't hate them I just hate the people who do stupid stuff on them, like the bunch that got shut down on the I10 Bayway in Mobile last week, after doing in excess of 140mph, IN TRAFFIC. Or, like the guy that passed me on the RIGHT of the right lane on the interstate. If he had hit me at the speed he was going we both would have been dead. And it's not the old fart in me either. My son rode an R1 for years; he and I rode to Oregon and back...him on his R1 and me on my RSV. I have the utmost respect for thoses that can ride sportbikes because I can't. But I have no respect for ANY rider that doesn't respect the law and those around him on the road.


As for riding a Goldwing I am trying to do my part to change the opinion of people; I wave to EVERYONE. As for the other site, I just can't figure out why people want to take a fine bike like the Goldwing and change everything. If they don't like it as designed why did they buy it in the first place ???????

ya know i was out riding my wing today and i thought how do you top this bike. guys on the wing site are chompin at the bit waiting for the new improved wing in 2010. i posted over there the only improvements i could see to better the bike was a couple of power ports standard, the comfort package standard, and a little softer front suspension. they want a bigger motor, six speeds, etc. i think all of those things are just perfect the way they are. oh yes one other thing wish i could direct all that engine heat at me in the winter months. what a waste. bill :2133:
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It's great you apologized, but you DID NOT need to! Personally I loved your comment about not growing up...I hope you never grow up, you're having to much fun. My kids say the same thing to me, and I just tell them when they get to be my age they'll understand.



just hope the next time around is as good as this one was. i've been awful lucky, and every day my feet hit the floor i think i won the lottery, to be here instead of all the other places in the world i could have been born. even rainy days are important to me. i just live like theres no tomorrow cuz one day there won't be. :2133:
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As Squidly said "Bill, you do a lot for this forum, no apology is necessary"


I get my dander up to as we all do and I am very opinionated also.

Something here gets my bells in a uproar and I have typed out a page of rage

and after I am finished I read it, Spell check it, then refine it and after I am done

and have made my point I DELETE IT. Because I am calmed down by then.


Also because there is no need for me to make enemies over a subject that will not change the minds on either side of the fence. Besides I might lose a good friend for something that in the long run really will not matter down the road.


In the scheme of things it will not serve this site for the better and has no real value but to hurt someone..............................Ron:2cents:


Wow you nailed my thoughts exactly, I deleted quite a few in the beginning, now I dont even bother to type them out. For me it took alittle time to realize that this forum wasnt all about airing your opinions on everything, but rather getting out and meeting new friends and enjoying their company. I would much rather spend my time doing that than arguing with folks. I learned alot from Don and Brad, Thanks Guys. Craig

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Wow you nailed my thoughts exactly, I deleted quite a few in the beginning, now I dont even bother to type them out. For me it took alittle time to realize that this forum wasnt all about airing your opinions on everything, but rather getting out and meeting new friends and enjoying their company. I would much rather spend my time doing that than arguing with folks. I learned alot from Don and Brad, Thanks Guys. Craig
now you went and gave don and brad a big head. :rotf::rotfl::rotf::2133:
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now you went and gave don and brad a big head. :rotf::rotfl::rotf::2133:


Nah....I know that I'm the same old bonehead that I ever was, Don too...but he's a bigger bonehead that me



Just trying to get alittle extra cheescake at the next ralley:8: Craig


Just make sure your at the next one and you can benefit from the windfall


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You have my apologies also if I offended you.

well switch, it was just one of those things. everyone lets off steam once in awhile. if i remember right hipshot and me had a little sportbike tussle along time ago. at least i think it was him ,and now i think the world of him. even though i never met him in person. now that we aired our differences i hope we can be freinds. that is what this site is all about. besides , i plan on meeting you all face to face at next years international rally, and i ain't that big. bill :cool10::2133:
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well switch, it was just one of those things. everyone lets off steam once in awhile. if i remember right hipshot and me had a little sportbike tussle along time ago. at least i think it was him ,and now i think the world of him. even though i never met him in person. now that we aired our differences i hope we can be freinds. that is what this site is all about. besides , i plan on meeting you all face to face at next years international rally, and i ain't that big. bill :cool10::2133:


Aren't Sport Bikes banned from the International Rally??:stirthepot::cool10::rotfl::rotf::rasberry::dancefool: Just kidding Bill!! I just could NOT resist. Leaving in 15 days for ES. Be sure to have a few on ice for my triumphant arrival!

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Nah....I know that I'm the same old bonehead that I ever was, Don too...but he's a bigger bonehead that me





Just make sure your at the next one and you can benefit from the windfall



Bigger no, taller yes..........:stirthepot: Guess, I didn't make the right meets with you & Lonna (it must be an Ontario thing). As I haven't been able, to try any yet.........:crying::crying:

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Snarley Bill I'm with ya on this one and I've never owned a sport bike...


I didn't look at the whole issue as Sport Bikes vs. Cruisers like some here did... I saw it as a anti-motorcycle laws and I stand by my opinion that if this goes through more Bikers are going to get killed and possibly Cops if some of those Bikers are packing heat...

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You ain't gonna get any of you know who's carrot cake either. :rasberry::rasberry: Just so you know, I like my wings with a little honey bbq sauce. :banana::banana:
you get your tail up to eureka springs with one of those carrot cakes that patricia makes and i will take both of you out for a wing barbeque, on me. thats a challenge. bill :rasberry::clap2::2133: ps. how could a car race be better than an offer like that. :no-no-no:
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