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Our Trip - VW4 @ San Luis Obispo/Los Osos


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Simple words and limited space cannot fully describe how absolutely fantastic this holiday trip to the Venture West IV in SLO has been. Having said that, we (Nina & I) would like to share our experience with you all.


We left Vancouver (Burnaby actually) Sunday, Aug 10th around 8AM and arrived back home Thursday, Aug 21st around 8PM. During that time, we stayed 5 days in San Luis Obispo and traveled a total of appx 3000 miles. Our route took us through some amazing landscapes and a variety of weather conditions. Cool, cloudy, rainy, sunny, foggy coastlines of Oregon and California to over 100 degree temps of central California. We became experts at removing clothing and putting it back on as we went from one extreme to the other within a few hours.


We discovered a lot of neat places along the way but there were 4 main highlights of our trip. The VW-IV (of course); the people we met there; two “special” stop-overs along the way (1 going down, the other on return trip); and the ride itself.


Regarding the ride itself, I am the kind of rider who’s “therapy” is riding. I don’t care a lot about stopping here and there to see this and that and spending time dawdling and doing all the little “touristy” things (although I do enjoy it sometimes)…I just like to ride and ride and ride. Nina on the other hand loves to stop and check everything out. Thankfully though, I lucked out when we “found each other” …. she has taken to riding far beyond my dreams. So, as a compromise, we do a lot of riding and a little of the other “stuff” and that makes the ride one of the highlights for both of us.


The first “special” stop was at Half Moon Bay. It was Aug 12th when we arrived there and that just happened to be our 2nd anniversary (just happened??? LOL … I actually planned this stop). We splurged and got a very nice suite at the Best Western which included probably the best king sized “motel” bed I’ve ever slept in, niceties like bath robes, 6 fluffy pillows, and a little balcony with chairs, table, and plants.


The second “special” stop was on the way home … totally unplanned and I doubt if we could better the “aura” if we tried. We left SLO quite early Monday morning, traveled to Fresno where we stopped for an hour or so to do a bit of “biker shopping”, headed north thru Yosemite (that was spectacular!), and hooked up with route 395 heading north to Reno. It had been quite a long day and we started looking for a place to stop over for the night. We passed thru a couple small places but there were no vacancies to be found. Out of nowhere, about 5 miles before Bridgeport (we didn’t know it at the time), we came across a restaurant/motel/campground. We were ready for a rest stop anyway so Nina went in to see if they had anything available. I waited at the bike…2 minutes later she came out and said to me “you’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you!” … “They only have 2 tents and a covered wagon available.” Huh? … a “covered wagon”? … we gotta see this! Well, one look and we were sold! $24 for the night and $10 for sheets, blankets and pillows. The feelings we had were indescribable …. camping out in an “old west” covered wagon, campfire, and adjacent “babbling brook”, under a star-lit night with a full moon! WOW! How cool is that! … and in (almost) total contrast, the restaurant had some of the best Italian spaghetti with meatballs I’ve ever eaten! Check it out… http://virginiacreeksettlement.com/


The MAIN highlight, of course, was the VWIV gathering which was the whole reason for this trip. We are so glad we “found a way” to finance this trip. We’d originally planned to go a couple month’s back and had set aside enough money to cover all our expenses but unfortunately, we had a couple unexpected money “set-backs” which got in the way so we cancelled out. The Friday before we left, I did some “creative accounting” (I’m pretty good at that LOL) and boom!! The trip was on again…luckily we were still able to get a room at Motel 6 in SLO.


Well, the hospitality of the folks who put this event together is beyond words! Especially Jack and Bev … Nina and I met them when they came through Vancouver a year ago and we made an instant connection (as we seem to have done with all the “ventureriders” we’ve met on this trip). Jack & Bev showed us around a bit on Thursday, we went for lunch in Morro Bay and did the “farmer’s market” thing in SLO that evening (it was more of a giant food fair!) with Jack, Bev, and a couple of others who’d arrived that day. We spent about an hour or so dodging the masses of people, chowing down on ribs, and seeing the “gum wall”. Tim Horton’s coffee for you is not forgotten…Christmas is just around the corner ;-) !


The next 2 days (Friday & Saturday) were consumed with meeting all the rest of the group, socializing, day rides, pancake breakfast, BBQ, eating…more eating… and I have to mention Margie’s Diner. You don’t want to order anything more than what’s on the “senior’s menu” other wise you’ll be eating for ever. The portions they give you are Paul Bunyan sized! … and fruit… OMG! Nina and I had dinner there Wednesday evening (the day we arrived). I ordered the Chicken Salad and she ordered a sandwich. That came and WOW! We could have invited 2 other couples there was so much! Besides the “main part” of the orders, the plates were loaded with fruit…very good, fresh fruit and in no small quantities. We wanted to share so we asked for a side plate …. OMG!!! Even the side plate comes with fruit! We ate as much as we could and still left there with a full take-out plate of fruit LOL! Without a doubt, that place has GOOD GRUB and LOTS of it!


Unfortunately, people’s names generally escape me quickly unless I’ve spoken them a number of times. Forgive me if I don’t mention you specifically but everyone we met was wonderful. Although we all come from different “walks of life”, we all came together as one big, happy “family” as though we’d known each other for a long time. Everyone seemed to become instant friends. It was all of you that made our trip the most memorable time of our lives! A great big THANK YOU to everyone!


Thanks to those who helped us plan our route home. A special thanks to Paul who gave us his National Parks pass so we could save $20 going through Yosemite. A “chance” meeting with Brian (friesman1) at Biggs on the route home was great …. sorry about your bike troubles buddy but I’m sure glad you made it down. Chuck (ServiceDog)…. I really enjoyed sharing stories and laffs with ya buddy! Yep… Nina’s a “keeper” … that was a very special compliment my friend! Vic (Lone Eagle)… now you’re walking proof that one shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover (no disrespect intended my friend but a concert pianist??? who’da thunk that?) ...you’re one cool dude! Rich99, Condor, EasyRider, Wizard, Kingbird, and all of you … you’re all awesome people and we’re so blessed to have been in your company! This was the first event of this kind we’ve attended and because of all you folks, we’ve decided to make attending these events the focus of our annual holidays and hopefully, when we retire, it will become our passion.


Well, it was maybe a little “long-winded” for you all here but frankly, I could have written 10 more pages. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as we’ve enjoyed writing it.


SilvrT & Pinta Nina (yep, she now has a handle)


… a few pics for your pleasure






...and... our route ...

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I am so glad you guys found a way to make it down to VWIV in SLO and enojoyed it so thoroughly. I agree it was an absolute blast and wouldnt have been the same without you guys. You are 2 very special people and i was so amazed and happy to run into you in Biggs Junction so we had time to swap more stories and hear how much youve enjoyed your trip.

I have decided like you guys that I am going to include the Venture West rally in my annual vacation from now on.......as long as I can find a different bike that I like in my price range.



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Great Pics. Really enjoyed going through all of them.

Hey was it a bit cold out that way? You were all wearing jackets alot.




For the most part, during the trip down and back the temps were cool. We'd generally be on the road by 7 or 7:30 am. A lot of the trip it was cloudy, foggy, misty, etc. In SLO and area, the mornings were a bit foggy but would clear off by 9 or 10 am and then it would warm up. Depending on where we were, it did get quite hot at times but once down to sea level and along the coast, it was foggy and cool. We got so used to wearing our jackets, etc that if it wasn't real hot, we just left them on anyway LOL.

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Ahhhhhhhh......seeing the post made me miss those early morning discussions, coffee, cig, "fixing" the worlds problems. Glad to hear you made it home safe......great pictures. Look forward to seeing you again next year (I vote for Medford).......


Ride SAFE..........and "leave the Harleys alone".....



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I might have just the bike you are looking for!


I am so glad you guys found a way to make it down to VWIV in SLO and enojoyed it so thoroughly. I agree it was an absolute blast and wouldnt have been the same without you guys. You are 2 very special people and i was so amazed and happy to run into you in Biggs Junction so we had time to swap more stories and hear how much youve enjoyed your trip.

I have decided like you guys that I am going to include the Venture West rally in my annual vacation from now on.......as long as I can find a different bike that I like in my price range.



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Hey, guys, it was GREAT to have you both at the rally - thanks so much for getting to all work out. I love the handles - SilvrT & Pinta Nina.

We will defintiely get started on working out the intial information for next year - so we all can plan the re-union. It is going to be the big 5 year anniversary rally, ya know.

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I might have just the bike you are looking for!


Yes you do have exaclty the bike I am looking for but after taking 3 expensive vacations this year I just cant handle taking on a new bike right now As much as I wish I could.

You should have no trouble selling that pampered rig of yours, its been kept in perfect shape and I wish i could help us both out by buying it but life sucks sometimes.

Catch you later, and say hi to M for me.


Brian:mo money:

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I have put together, and organized some pics from my trip down to VWIV and added some from SilverT and Nina for good measure. the very last item in the list is the short video of everyone leaving for the ride on Sat morning.


OOPS! forgot to put in the link, geez gotta cut back on the beer. Thanks for the reminder, Vic





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Hey, guys, it was GREAT to have you both at the rally - thanks so much for getting to all work out. I love the handles - SilvrT & Pinta Nina.

We will defintiely get started on working out the intial information for next year - so we all can plan the re-union. It is going to be the big 5 year anniversary rally, ya know.


We're already getting excited !!!!

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I have put together, and organized some pics from my trip down to VWIV and added some from SilverT and Nina for good measure. the very last item in the list is the short video of everyone leaving for the ride on Sat morning.



Where the pics?????????:confused24:

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Sorry did not make it to SLO, to meet you folks from up North.


I made it to the Calif border and came down with severe stomach Cramps, had to put up in a room for two days. Best I can figure is I got some bad food somplace along the way.


Anyway, maby next year, glad to hear everybody had a great time.


So, it was a 700 mile trip to no where !!! but that the way it goes sometimes. :bang head:

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Sorry did not make it to SLO, to meet you folks from up North.


I made it to the Calif border and came down with severe stomach Cramps, had to put up in a room for two days. Best I can figure is I got some bad food somplace along the way.


Anyway, maby next year, glad to hear everybody had a great time.


So, it was a 700 mile trip to no where !!! but that the way it goes sometimes. :bang head:


Am sorry we missed a chance to meet face to face. That sucks about picking a bug somewhere to mess up your trip. I figure next year will be a good trip no matter where they decide to hold it. How about Klamath Falls for VWV?



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