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Here's one for you to consider..

There are two bridges linking our twin cities and you have to pass through the tolls.. You can toss in your coins or use an electronic pass. If you use your coins, you have to come to a stop to pull out your coins and toss them into the basket.. If sure those who have gone through tolls appreciate the annoyance of doing this, so the electronic pass is always better to use..


Last night two of our friends were stopped at the tolls to put in their coins and were hit from behind by a 5 ton postal truck who apparently did not see the large 2008 Venture (a couple of weeks old) with two people on it.. Hit them hard enough to write off the bike, toss him off and pin his lady passenger under the front axle of the truck. Though shaken up, neither were seriously hurt. She was relatively OK and even asked the rider to take a photo of her legs sticking out from under the truck for prosperity while waiting for the EMS to pull her out. She tells us she only received minor scrapes and bruises but is OK.


Now, this is why I prefer to use my electronic pass as I don't have to come to a complete stop at the tolls, and the days I do forget my pass and need to stop to use coins, I turn on my 4 way flashers and pump my brake pedal a lot to get the cager's attention. My brake light is insanely bright and if some cager doesn't see it and nails me, he better make sure i can't get up cause he'll have some 'splainin' to do of his blindness.


So just a heads up when coming to the tolls.. make yourself SEEN by the blind for your survival..


I guess that's why they harped at us so much in Rider's Training, that a stopped bike is a dead bike, and so always to have it in first gear when you come to a stop. I was having problems getting all that accomplished when doing the fast stop practise and so got yelled at soo loud that all the riders on the parking lot were aware of my problems, and I was told that if I wasn't about to do as I was told I could nicely get in my meat truck and get the **** out of there.

I know that doesn't do a thing for this situation, but it did bring that part of my training back to me, so I thought I would share it.

Glad everybody is ok.


They are right. A stopped bike is a dead bike. I have EZ Pass just for this reason. If it dont register I just drive away. They have cameras that will read the plate and charge the account anyway. Id rather be moving and safer than in that situation.


Remember the bike can be replaced but they cant and Praise God that he saw fit to not let them be hurt badly.

I turn on my 4 way flashers and pump my brake pedal a lot to get the cager's attention.





I will use it AND watch my rearview mirror!!!!!!



The only other issue is I cant figure out how to keep the bike in gear, as I will probally have to use my left hand to pay the toll so I cant hold the clutch in.... unless I am on my Panhead.



I will use it AND watch my rearview mirror!!!!!!


The only other issue is I cant figure out how to keep the bike in gear, as I will probally have to use my left hand to pay the toll so I cant hold the clutch in.... unless I am on my Panhead.


Rider training here is done with bikes without mirrors which forces you to do over the shoulder checks when you come to a full stop.. But when you get your own bike on the road with mirrors, you should learn to look in them AND over your shoulder when possible.. and always leave the bike in 1st gear for that jack rabbit 'git outta way' jump in case something happens..


Last year while traveling near Ottawa Ont, I came up to a construction site on the road and stopped behind the car in front of me.. Behind me, at a distance was a Mac Truck coming in.. And we waiting for the dood to change the sign over so we could proceed.. And all of a sudden the hairs on the back of my neck exploded and I did a quick look into my mirror and saw the word MAC (only backwards).. All I could do is pop the clutch and steer the bike to the side as the bike catapulted to the ditch as the Mac truck slammed in the car that was in front of me.. No kidding, I was almost mooshed between a truck and a car.. I don't know if it was the Mack truck's bow wave of air that touch the hairs on the back of my neck or my guardian angel yanking on them that got me out of there so quickly..


The Mack driving was half asleep at the wheel.. The car in front of me saw him barrelling in and was in the process of getting his car into gear to get out of the way (Mack truck approcahing fast speed when he should be slowing down is scary!) Everyone survived with minor injuries to the car driver.. and a clean pain of underwear for me..


Having said that, when *I* come to the tolls at our bridges, (if I have to dig for coins) I put the bike in neutral, kick stand down and tap my brake pedal while the 4 ways are flashing.. and I keep a jaundiced eye to the rear in case someone is asleep..


But that's me, and that's how I feel safer doing it when I don't have my E-Pass.


As they say, ride defensively like they are out to kill you.. because they are without knowing it.. ; )

Guest tx2sturgis

Its like choosing your parents...given a choice, always get hit by somebody with LOTS of insurance!!



Posted (edited)
But when you get your own bike on the road with mirrors, you should learn to look in them AND over your shoulder when possible.. and always leave the bike in 1st gear for that jack rabbit 'git outta way' jump in case something happens..


I leave the bike in gear at all stops, until I get at LEAST 4 cars stopped behind me, then I MIGHT think about putting it in neutral... I watch the rear views when stopped.



What should I do at a toll booth to be as safe as I can be?????


If it is a manned booth, I might hand the money with my right hand, or if ridding 2 up have my passenger handle the money, but what do you do at an unmanned booth riding solo???



I guess I should get an EZ Pass for my bike.....

Edited by KiteSquid
I leave the bike in gear at all stops, until I get at LEAST 4 cars stopped behind me, then I MIGHT think about putting it in neutral... I watch the rear views when stopped.



What should I do at a toll booth to be as safe as I can be?????


If it is a manned booth, I might hand the money with my right hand, or if ridding 2 up have my passenger handle the money, but what do you do at an unmanned booth riding solo???


I guess I should get an EZ Pass for my bike.....


Having that deep 4 car buffer zone is great but when it's a quick stop at the booths there's not much choice in the matter.. it would be nice to be able to pick and chose who is going to be behind you..


However, an EPass or passenger coin dispenser is always great..

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