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This Bike has a very special History.


There's a Comic Writer with the Name Broesel. He made up good Books, similiar to Joe Bar Team Comics, if someone knows them.


I really got good Laughs out of his "Werner"-Books. In one Book, he customized a old Horex Bike and named it "Red Porsche Killer" to go for a Race against his Buddy with a red Porsche.


This Race was made real Years later here at the Hockenheim Race Circuit. Broesel lost because one the two Motors failed. After the Race he said to the Guy with Porsche he would beat him with a chainsaw Motored Bike.


Then they made up this Bike, the Dolmette, and raced again on the Lausitzring. He lost again, because only 16 out of these 24 Motors were running when the Lights went to green.

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