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I'm travelling in the USA, my bike has one flag pole and on it is the Canadian flag. What is the proper etiquette in regards to showing that flag? Should I carry on as is or remove it unless I can fly an American flag with it??



Posted (edited)

I don't know the actual protocol for such things, but I (as in me personally) would fly both with the flag of the visited country higher or in a more prominent position.


But that's just me!




DISREGARD THAT!! I looked up the Flag code (United States Code Title 4 Chapter 1 — The Flag) and found that flying 2 nations flags on one pole is a no-no and they both are to be approx. the same size and flown at the same height. I stand corrected!!!

You can check here... http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html

Edited by autopilot
corrected an error

Considering that you only have a single flag and pole and that you are a Canadian I say fly your countrys flag as is and be proud of it. Is it proper to fly it in the US? I think so. I seriously doubt it will cause you any grief. In fact I have done just the opposite in the past and have visited Canada with a US flag mounted on the bike. Never had any problems there.

Enjoy your trip here in the US.


Posted (edited)

Being a Canadian citizen, theres no problem at all with you flying your flag especially with Canadian plates. Where the problem comes in or at least offense is taken is when your in the US and you fly the US flag below yours. Etiquette???? A lot of the problems have occured when others flags are crammed down our throats and they live here (Flying their countries flag above ours) not the traveling biker/tourist. But if you'd like to display our US flag also, I'd be more then happy to send one your way to display both if you have another pole. I for one appreciate your thoughtfulness in considering this dilemma. Now to decide which flag goes to which side... normally your own country would be on the displayed left (looking at it from the front of a room in the audience or speakers right looking into audience) but considering your on a scooter I don't think it would make much difference or at least I'm not sure on that one. Also, one other thing to consider is the height of each flag, if you want to be completely politically correct, (and keep some folks happy) both would be the same size and height. Guess my 14 years presenting our colors at funerals, parades, ceremonies, change of leaderships etc... has me researching these things from time to time. If others have more info I'm not aware of, I would love to hear it also. Whatever you do, ride safe and keep God as a passenger. Mike P.S. If your down our way in Iowa, feel free to stop by for a meal and ride.

Edited by Mikealiasmike
dyslexic :c)
Considering that you only have a single flag and pole and that you are a Canadian I say fly your countrys flag as is and be proud of it. Is it proper to fly it in the US? I think so. I seriously doubt it will cause you any grief. In fact I have done just the opposite in the past and have visited Canada with a US flag mounted on the bike. Never had any problems there.

Enjoy your trip here in the US.



What he said!!!!!!


You can fly your flag by itself, without breaching protocol. And like the others said, I really don't see anybody getting their panties in a wad over it anyway.


To fly both, they have to be the same size, on separate poles and at the same height; Flying one (either) is no problem (according to the flag code). So, fly the Canadian, be proud and enjoy the trip!!!


You may fly the Canadian Flag all by itself with nothing to worry about . It would courteous if you flew both flag , USA on the right and at same height , but not mandatory . Honestly I would not worry about it , as US and Canadian see a no border policy . There is only political borders and they are not worth discussing .





Guest BluesLover
The American flag is always on the right...

Not to be disrespectful, but the flag on the right is the flag of the country that the rider is from. So, the Canadian flag in this case, should be on the right. The flag from the country of origin should never be below any other flag.


In my case, I normally travel with two flags. The Canadian flag is on the right, the US flag is on the left. I have them both at the same height.




I travel with 2 flags. Canadian flag on the right and Provincial flag on the left. This where ever I go.


My brother inlaw married a Texan girl. In their yart they fly 5 flags. Canadian and US at the same height, Nova-Scotia and Texas lower then the Country flags but both at equal height of each other. They also fly the Acadian flag slightly lower then the provincial/state flags.


Thank you one and all for your comments. A second flag pole is in the works, just don't have it as yet. I'm in Olympia Wa. this morning heading to Astoria Or. then down the coast, over to Crater lake then points east and north, probably going through Yellowstone then back into Canada at some point above eastern Montana. If you see a blue and black '07 RSV riding with a teal '93 Goldwing, try not to throw anything too heavy...






I see bumper sticker flags and window decal flags from other countries all the time. I take no offense to someone proclaiming themself to be Venezualan. I am certainly not offended by a Canadian flag. I would hope I wouldn't offend anyone for flying an American flag in Canada.


Enjoy your ride through the US and fly your Canadian flag alone proudly, if you add that second pole, then fly an equal US flag, and I agree, your home country flag goes to the left, or "its own right" as some say as you face it. So as you sit on the bike, the flag of honor would be on the far right.


Have a great ride, and thanks for visiting the US and spreading some of those more expensive Canadian dollars around!:hurts:


Fly your flag !


It ain't gunna bother me or the other 200 million sane people oh wait that means there are 50 million with no brains still out there. LOL


Canada is our friend not somebody / place to be feared.


Fly your flag proud, and tell people if they ask, that your from Canada ehh!


Godd bless ya and have a great trip where ever you head.




aka Bubber

I travel with 2 flags. Canadian flag on the right and Provincial flag on the left. This where ever I go.


My brother inlaw married a Texan girl. In their yart they fly 5 flags. Canadian and US at the same height, Nova-Scotia and Texas lower then the Country flags but both at equal height of each other. They also fly the Acadian flag slightly lower then the provincial/state flags.


Denis, no disrespect intended, but your brother should look up "STATE FLAG "protocols.

Texas is the ONLY state, that federal law mandates, should fly it's state flag at the same elevation as the American flag, only on separate flagpoles.

just jt

Denis, no disrespect intended, but your brother should look up "STATE FLAG "protocols.

Texas is the ONLY state, that federal law mandates, should fly it's state flag at the same elevation as the American flag, only on separate flagpoles.

just jt


I agree with you on this. If he were in the US I am sure he would but in Canada, the Canadian Flag is the highest flown. The US flag is at the same height because she is American but both state and province will not fly at the same height as the Canadian flag. Or at least, it is the understanding I have from talking to him.


I am glad all I have to worry about is my Canadian Flag and a couple of provincial flag. His situation all gets too much for me LOL

Denis, no disrespect intended, but your brother should look up "STATE FLAG "protocols.

Texas is the ONLY state, that federal law mandates, should fly it's state flag at the same elevation as the American flag, only on separate flagpoles.

just jt

Hi jt,


No disrespect intended but this is not part of federal law. This site also disagrees. As does the flag code. All States' flags may fly at the same level so long as the US Flag is given the position of prominence.

Hi jt,


No disrespect intended but this is not part of federal law. This site also disagrees. As does the flag code. All States' flags may fly at the same level so long as the US Flag is given the position of prominence.



i stand corrected!

i , along with MILLIONS of other Texas born kids, was taught in school, that "Texas flag - - ", was the gospel truth.

funny how "snopes.com" has the ability to "blow your dress up", when you really dig deep enough to find the truth.

thank you .

just jt


I didn't think ANY State flag was allowed to be flown as high as the US flag, so I learned something too.


I also learned that a law was passed against political flag burning that seems to have been found unConstitutional, at least on a case by case basis.


I also learned that it's illegal to burn nylon in some States, so official flag disposal ceremonies can be a problem if they involve nylon flags. I found this particularly interesting since I was a Boy Scout, and we had official flag disposal ceremonies. (Yes, I've burned flags. But only in accordance with the Flag Code.)

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