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I spoke to my wife a few minutes ago and she told me that the VentureRider Guardian Bells have arrived. I will be getting them shipped either Friday or Saturday.


Still plenty of extras for any of you who might want one or more. See the VentureRider Merchandise topic area for pictures and ordering info.


OK folks, I told you that I would get the bells shipped on Friday or Saturday but it was just a very busy weekend and I didn't get them out. They are now all packaged and addressed and I will be dropping them off at the Post Office early tomorrow morning on my way out of town.


I still have about 60 bells left so there are plenty for any of you who might still want one or more.


should have had mine last week. Maybe then the gravel gremlins wouldn't have gotten me!:Avatars_Gee_George: Still, I'll get one on the new and improved version of my scoot! Thanks



  • 2 weeks later...


Please send a bell to Muffinman and let me pay for it on Paypal. He lost his and has had crappy luck ever since...flat new tire, etc. Let me know how we can handle this and I will make the Paypal payment STAT!




Bill Darling


Guest Ken8143

Don - got mine. Thanks once again for the incredible work you do for us. It is appreciated, and these bells are the best I have ever seen, bar none.


Mine arrived Friday Don. Thanks a ton.....Doug

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