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Warden Upset!! HELP!

Yammer Dan

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Guys, with y'all Friends pulling for Dan and back him up, i'm very glad that he doesn't need any Enemies.


or, as an ancient Saying tells ...


God should safe me from my Friends, i will take care about my Enemies on my own ...

I have been on the phone with the Warden tonight (thought it was Dan online) & she is getting a chuckle out of the comments / teasing. I heard her chuckling on the phone, as we discussed the some of my comments.


But her concerns with his leg & the clots is real, which is very understandable.

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This is the warden....... Nobody knows what I went through...
Hi Warden,


While that is literally true, it's not really.


I got run over in the mirror image of Dan's crash. I left work and it took over two weeks to get home. My left leg was crushed. In all I had ten surgeries. I had two fasciotomies, and a vein graft. I have four 4" titanium wood screws in my knee plateau, a couple of titanium plates, and a dozen titanium wood screws in my leg. I had an external fixture because they couldn't put a cast on the leg. (For those who insist on continuing the tradition, pics are here.)


I was in the hospital for two weeks, then flat for two more months. Limited activity complete with wheel chair, bedside commode, and walker for three more. Then they found another crack and I was down for five months because of a bone graft. The skin wouldn't heal over the titanium plate covering the graft so they had to take that back out. I gave myself lovenox shots for the clots.


The whole thing took over a year. I had to go through physical therapy twice. My left thigh is still a fraction of its normal size.


During all of this Irene took care of me. She was a trooper. She has/had no nursing training aside from being the mother of three kids. Sleep? None at first. Not much for quite a while. Worry? Off the chart. I had never sent her to fetch anything in all the years we'd been married. All of a sudden she had to do everything for both of us.


I don't want to belittle what you went through in any way. Dan hasn't done as well as I did, and that has saddened me. I wish there was something that could be done, but of course I have no idea what that would be. I just want you to know that there are people who understand. Irene may not have been there, but she was right next door.


I owe her more than I can ever express or repay. She says that's not so. None the less it's how I feel. I respect where you've been too. When I told her about this the first words out of her mouth were "I'd kill you. Was she on the back?" "No." "That's better, but I'd still kill you." I'm pretty sure that means I am not allowed to take more than one hand off the handlebars at any time. (Sorry Dan, can't help you there.) All things considered I can live with that, which means a lot more now than it once would have.


I know it may not seem that way, but you're not really alone.

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