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Guest Sarnum

I am going on a overnight weekend trip and would like to change the rear drive train oil today sense its been a little over a year sense I have had it done. I have done it myself on my old 2001 Suzuki Volusia but haven’t tried changing it myself on my venture I usually let the dealer handle it. I am at work right now and don’t have access to the owners manual to figure out what type of oil to get for it on my way home. Can some one please post a walk through on how to change the rear drive train oil and what oil is best to use?


SAE 80W - 90W Regular oil, Same stuff you use in the Rear End of a Car.


OR, you can use Mobil - 1 Synthectic also.


Buy one qt. and you have enough for 2 or 3 changes.


Just drain it all out, and Refill to the Filler hole.


No big deal !!

Guest Sarnum

Ok so its no different then my old bike.


And you can do it with the bags on if your careful. I did mine over the week end very easy. I would get something to difflect the oil off of the wheel though so it doesnt get on the rim or tire and a long funnel to fill with. Good luck.

Guest Sarnum

I plan on taking the one bag off to make it easier.

Guest Sarnum

It's also good to take the bags off once a year to give it a good cleaning. Lots of spots missed during normal washings.


It is the very same as your Volusia. The "one time use crush washers" will work more than once. No pressure inside to speak of. If you get a small funnel with a long piece of clear tubing to attach to the small end of the funnel it is easy with the bags on.

Guest TFD69

I use a sheet of tin foil to deflect the oil draining out to keep it off the tire and rim. I also take the bag off, not quicker but I think easier.

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