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keep your fingers, legs, eyeballs, and anything else you can bodily cross,crossed today. The saga of the Venture has continued. Still torn down at the dealer, but didn't want to keep crying and whining here about it...one thing after another with lost parts in the mail, etc,etc....anyway, ... tonight is suppose to be the big night, after 4 weeks, that we get our baby back.

I appreciate all the moral support you have given me....it helps to have people understand. So, even if your co workers look strange at you walking around with your legs crossed, just tell them "No you don't need to use the restroom, your just helpin' out a friend!

Thanks again!


Always willing to help out a fellow Iowan (albiet one generation removed), Norwegian, probably Lutheran. Everything is crossed for you! I'm sure she misses you! Good luck!


"Norwegian, probably Lutheran"

Jah, yoou hit da nail right on da head dere!

Cun da snok a Norkse? Been a Luteran since da day I was bjorn. Baptised, confirmed and married in da same country church! Us Norske's never change! Uff-da!

Posted (edited)
  Iowawegian said:
"Norwegian, probably Lutheran"

Jah, yoou hit da nail right on da head dere!

Cun da snok a Norkse? Been a Luteran since da day I was bjorn. Baptised, confirmed and married in da same country church! Us Norske's never change! Uff-da!


Out of curiosity, I looked up Northwood, IA. You're a couple of hours from my families old stomping grounds. My father is from Spencer. I still have cousins there. My mother is from the other end, Decorah. I have a cousin in Mason City. We used to go to Lake Okiboji every summer as a kid. I understand the amusment park is gone now. This months Rider magazine actually has an Iowa ride in the "Favorite Rides" section.


Anyway, I hope all goes well and you get your ride back as promised. Uff-da!

Edited by halfwitt
correct spelling of Okiboji!

We use to take our boys camping to the city park in Decorah all the time! It's some of the best memories they have! City park campground with the fresh trout stream running through it! The lighted bike trail from the campground into the "Whippy Dip" was also a nightly excursion. Ask your mom if she's ever ridden the "cut" by there! It's a beautiful town! I wish we had that kind of scenery around here!

Mason's 20 min straight South of us!


Done! But I was wondering if I could uncross my eyes as its getting hard to type!


I hope this sage ends for you soon....thats nuts and gotta be aggravating as all get out.


Took my dealer 5 weeks after they got it to complete the repairs and get it back to me.

But here in San Antonio we have a really long riding season, like 12 months, as long as you can stand the heat in mid-day during July and August.

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