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I have never tried that company, but i have tried newenough.com several times and they give great service and have super prices. (and even their shipping to Canada is reasonable)

You might check their closeout section, a couple of days ago they had ladies mesh jackets with amour and liner at 25 bucks! (might all be gone but worth checking).


heres a link http://newenough.com/closeouts




Here's my experiance with valueaccessories.


Last year I ordered a set of armrests that bolt on to the back rest mounts of Marilyn's vstar. About 3 days later I get an email from them saying they made a mistake in the order. They had sent 2 right hand sides! They informed me that the left side was in the mail and profusely apologized for the mistake.


The replacement actually arrived before the box with the two right side got here! I emailed them back, thanked them and asked how they wanted me to send the other right side back to them.


They just told me to keep it for my troubles and maybe it would come to good use.


So...good company in my opinion...you bet!


Friesman is right though....I've made several purchases from newenough.....you cant go wrong there. Fast friendly and very reasonable. You got to go to their closeout section and bargain basement for the best deals.


I bought my Joe Rocket mesh jacket for 90 bux from New Enough, plus shipping and tax since they are in Texas, but they had it in my size.

Has anyone purchased from this vendor in Ohio? http://store.valueaccessories.net/index.asp


Want to order from them, but want to know they have a good reputation before I do. I want to buy a new OSI mesh jacket for hot weather riding.




Yes I ordered a nice T-Bag brand tbag from them a year or so ago, fast and friendly service.


Guest kozman01

Just ordered a bunch of RAM mount stuff from Value Accessories. It seemed their prices were a little lower than most on the internet. Got it in a few days with Priority Mail. I like them because they are in OH and alot of cycle stuff comes from CA and it just takes too long to get. I'm happy with them but unhappy that I have to give the worthless state of Ohio tax on the purchase. Thumbs up for Value Accessories. Also thumbs up on New Enough, top notch company.


We've bought from New Enough before, but the jacket I want to purchase they have. They do not carry the OSI brand according to a seach on their website. I already have a Joe Rocket mesh jacket, but we saw this OSI Cool Mesh over at Stardays and Phil really the air flow through the mesh when he tried it on. Value Accessories has the best price for this jacket.


Here's the link for what I am looking for:



Thought I would let everyone know that Phil got his new jacket in 3 days from when I ordered it. Great service for this website!


I just two of them at STAR Days (one for me and one for my wife). I think that we paid about $119 for each of them.


The OSI mesh jackets are what I would refer too as "summertime, cooling jackets". They do a very nice job in keeping intense sun off of you. This last week, we really put them to a good test as we road from Arkansas across Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona (Monument Valley) and in to Utah. We even wore them over our "Silver Eagle" cooling vests for the extra cooling affect. As far as cooling properties are concerned, it's pretty good.


However, keep this in mind (my opinion anyway) - these jackets just don't seem to offer any degree of protection except maybe from sunburn. The armor (if you could even call it that), is just thin foam rubber. I'm probably just going to remove it from my jacket, because it's basically useless.


So, make sure that you know what you're getting before laying out the cash. These are not built like those nice mesh jackets with heavy-duty, road-rash protection. They look like they are in the ads and when hanging-up. But, once you open it up and inspect it, you'll understand what I'm talking about.


Hope that helps!


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