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Posted (edited)

A 58 year old man from Wytheville, Virginia was killed yesterday afternoon on his motorcycle at the intersection of Hwy 501 and hwy 548 in Conway (SC). The only details available were that an automobile ran the red light and struck the bike. Another car was involved, probably as a secondary incident. The Virginia man, whose name was witheld died at the hospital. God rest his soul.


My wife pass the accident shortly after it occurred and said that the bike was barely identifiable as a bike and was strewn in pieces all over the scene. She also mentioned that one of the automobiles involved was on it's roof and heavily damaged.


The guy never stood a chance! While it hurts to say this and I will probably have to answer for my thoughts, I hope they fry the SOB that ran the light.


They just this week posted the stats for last year....87 bike deaths 75% wore no helmet. Make of that whatever you will!




I'll quit now before I get started!

Edited by autopilot
new info

This topic always leads to some strong opinions but I will not ride around the block without my skid lid.


Whenever I hear these stories I think, "there but for the grace of God go I." I try to be very attentive to my surroundings but it just takes one idiot running a light, or one brief moment thinking about who the Cubs should trade for, for me to find myself in a bad spot.


My thoughts and prayers are always with my fellow riders.




As an ardent helmet wearer, I'm glad to hear this:

"They just this week posted the stats for last year....87 bike deaths 75% wore no helmet"


However, I can't seem to find that stat anywhere.

Can you cite the source please?


Can't argue with my buddies if I don't have the facts to back it up.

Heard an interesting quote from a non-helmet buddy recently:

"If I go down, I'd rather die that be paralyzed for life".


Hmm, interesting rationale. Doesn't take into account the likelihood of being paralyzed or death is far greater without a helmet. Details, details.:safemotorcycle:

Posted (edited)



There's a couple of different stats and sources, though my comment echo'd a local tv news blurb. Dug a bit and found the following: (again...do with it what you will!)


According to AAA-Carolinas, motorcycle related deaths jumped 40% from 2003 to 2007. Only 4% of registered vehicles in SC are motorcycles, but bikes are involved in 11% of all fatal crashes. 62% of m/c fatalities in 2007, occurred Horry (Myrtle Beach), Greenville and Charleston Counties.


* A local news report on the AAA stats says: "According to Triple-A, there were 87 motorcycle deaths in 2003 and 122 in 2007." * This is stated differently than the report I quoted in the previous post. I apologize for the error.


SC Department of Public Safety stat shows that 75% of m/c deaths in the last 5 years were not wearing helmets.


The AAA has 2 articles detailing fatality info. the links are listed below.


http://www.aaacarolinas.com/absolutenm/templates/releaseTemplate.asp?articleid=869&zoneid=2 Relates to SC information.


http://www.aaacarolinas.com/absolutenm/templates/releaseTemplate.asp?articleid=854&zoneid=2 Relates to NC m/c death rate


And you can always go directly to www.scdps.org for Dept of Public Safety info. I notice they have a couple of press releases listed.

Edited by autopilot

An older friend of my father's once said that a helmet does one thing only, determines an open or closed casket.

Such as the gentleman mentioned at the beginning of this thread, a helmet would not have made any difference whether he lived or died.

I'm also in agreement with the second post, I hope they fry the SOB for a good long time.


UPDATE: While this point is still unclear, the woman (& female passenger) of the automobile either ran the red light on the cross street at this intersection or turned immediately in front of the biker.


Also, the man's daughter was riding another bike, laid it down and had apparently only some minor injuries as she did not strike the vehicle. She did get to go to her fathers side, while he slipped away. A samaritan on a bicycle came from somewhere and performed CPR until EMS arrived.


I feel so badly for that young lady... Please y'all say a prayer for her and the rest of her family, but mainly her..That is not a memory a daughter should have to keep! It's not an image anyone should have to keep of a loved one! Please Lord, grant her peace and strength in this time of loss.


Obviously, my sympathies are with this family, but I must say something here.


I'm a helmet wearer and I think riding without one is dumb, but there is absolutely NO reason to turn this event into a crusade for helmet laws.


Judging from the damage described, it wouldn't have mattered if the guy was wearing a suit of armor, let alone a helmet, and there's no mention in the OPs account as to whether he was wearing one or not.


I understand the need to educate about the dangers of riding without a helmet, but there is no need to use any wreck as an excuse to shout about it!


"An older friend of my father's once said that a helmet does one thing only, determines an open or closed casket."


Well that may sound like there is some merit to it, but, it all depends on who the "older friend" was/is. Was he a paramedic who had attended many motorcycle wrecks and saw this first hand? Or, a person who had access to all the data pertaining to wrecks with and without helmets and the injuries sustained in each? Otherwise it is just an opinion - a statement. It is a good probability there are many folks out there walking around today, that if they had not had a helmet on, would not be. There was a mc wreck in this area a few weeks ago, the person's helmet split open like a clam shell, but they survived to ride again.




Singing to the choir, my man!!


If you're referring to those stats that I posted ...that was purely for FutureVentures' benefit..He asked I provided...That simple..


I'm the last guy you want to argue with about crusading for helmets. My feeling is if an adult , informed person chooses not to wear one, that should be their and only their decision and NOT the realm for government or anyone elses intervention. In my case my neck and upperback is so screwed up due to an arthritic condition, If I DID go down with a helmet it would likely break my neck and kill me anyway. So, some of the time I DON'T wear one, some of the time depending on where I'm going and the temperature, I DO. But as it goes, it's my choice until some snot-nosed legislator trolling for votes decides to stick his nose further into my life and affairs than it already is!


I wasn't singing to the choir. In fact, I wasn't crusading for helmet laws, although I agree with them.


What I was doing that you apparently missed, was admonishing you for using this poor biker's death, that had nothing to do with helmet wearing, to further your rant.


If you want to discuss whether or not it should be legally enforced, do it where it should be done - in the forum - and NOT in a thread devoted to a recently deceased biker!

I wasn't singing to the choir. In fact, I wasn't crusading for helmet laws, although I agree with them.


What I was doing that you apparently missed, was admonishing you for using this poor biker's death, that had nothing to do with helmet wearing, to further your rant.


If you want to discuss whether or not it should be legally enforced, do it where it should be done - in the forum - and NOT in a thread devoted to a recently deceased biker!


Discuss it here. http://www.wilgeno.com/index.cfm/2007/11/4/Motorcycle-Deaths-by-the-Numbers


I did the research and found that more people that wore helmets died that those that did not. Does this mean helmets are bad? No, it means that when riding a motorcycle your chances of surviving a crash are greatly reduced no matter what you wear.

It is a good probability there are many folks out there walking around today' date=' that if they had not had a helmet on, would not be. [/color']


I fit that category. My helmet cracked a windshield last year and I am certain that I would not have survived without it.






Ya know...you are exactly right. Though it wasn't at all my intent for it to come across the way it did. For that I will take my requisite whippin in the woodshed.


It's been a tough week around here on a number of fronts that really fire me up. Not excusing that part of my post, but there hasn't been a lot sleep either.


Anyway, I stand duly and justly chastised. Thank you for the comment. Seriously!


Hate to here about this but its been happening and is going to keep on happening. I hate to say it but I ride with the attitude that every SOB is trying to kill me and that keeps me alert. It may may sound like it would take the fun out of it but it doesn't. It helps keep me aware of my surroundings. Thats one reason I don't like the idea of cell phone hookups for bikes or for cars. Keep your mind on your driving. I won't even discuss the helmet issue, its a no brainer, (litterally).

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