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We have 3 couples planning a vacation through the Northeast in August starting at Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. Problem is: 2 of the guys will be "carrying handguns" and have ccw license. Is there any place we can check these in on the American side until we get back fm Canada? We could leave them home but we really don't want to. I'd appreciate any help on this besides the obvious of leaving them home.

Eddie Flinchum--Central Kentucky

We have 3 couples planning a vacation through the Northeast in August starting at Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. Problem is: 2 of the guys will be "carrying handguns" and have ccw license. Is there any place we can check these in on the American side until we get back fm Canada? We could leave them home but we really don't want to. I'd appreciate any help on this besides the obvious of leaving them home.

Eddie Flinchum--Central Kentucky


Are you enetering near Buffalo New York or some other area. There are severral members here in New York that might be able to help if your entering through here. Could you give us all more details of your trip that way you should get a better response. Phil.

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