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Where do these wires go????

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I took off all the fairing and removed the TCI box. Put the TCI box back in about 3 weeks later and now I have these wires that I can't remember where they go.


They are on the left side of the bike.









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There should be a screw into the upper main frame right around there, kinda follow the way that the wires want to run. The bigger one goes under this screw, I believe the other one may go to the starter solenoid coil (big round thing right beside the battery).



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Danob11 may be on the right trail, I believe the single wire goes to a bolt on the side of the frame that holds the TCI... but the dual???


The solenoid terminals are SMALL ring type on mine and one is hotwired to the BIG hot terminal on the solenoid and the the other runs to the starter switch.


I think that green connector is for a California version, fume canister or something... my green connetcor is stuffed up with the coil wires

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Both black wire connectors are harness grounds. I think the one with two small wires is specifically for the radio. And I think they both go under the same bolt, as described. It goes in from the left side, below, in front of and to the left of the battery.



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Looking at the schematic in the back of my manual, the only double ground it shows is one coming off of the body of the TCI, another one comes off a slide resistor (doesn't say what is is, but the other side of it is green/white and goes directly into the TCI). This terrminal goes directly to a ground point, so I would say to put them under the same bolt/screw. I believe that my ground point was a small (1/2") tab on the frame with a 10mm short bolt in it. It was not a mount tab for the TCI or anything, it was on the main frame in that area.



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I was just looking at your pics again. Look in the second one. There are two 6mm (10mm head) bolts showing - one right behind the cruise control throttle thingy (tech term) and one above it and behind a cable. The ground point I'm thinking of is one of those.



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This ground point sure seems like a fantastic candidate for a new mount location... who's inspected THIS connection lately... or even been in deep enough to check? Great picture JimBob!

Edited by mbrood
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I would like to thank everybody for there help. I put the ground wire on the bolt on tci box. I took a ride on the bike. I rode for about 2 miles it started to warm up and started missing.

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