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Hi all.

I've started this thread as I think a lot of people, me included, would like to start Zinc/Chrome plating but I don't have a clue, so does anyone on this site have the know how? If so please let me/us know.

I'd also like information on how to get rust off in a soak bath/tank?


Well, you start with several 10 to 20 thousands dollars to buy the equipment, shop, chemicals and metals needed.



Actually, I've never heard of a small scale home electroplating setup.


Hi Juggler.

I know what you mean, but you can buy home kits.

Chrome plating:-




Zinc plating:-




I think these kits are expensive for what they are, I reckon you can build your own home kit for a lot less if you have the know how?


I have some information on home plating squirreled away somewhere - I don't really remember details, but I didn't think it was all that difficult OR expensive. I plan on trying it sometime later this year. I'll let you know more if I ever do.



I have a little kit that will gold plate gun triggers and hammers. Works with a 1.5 volt battery I believe. Not sure it's real gold but it sure is pretty.

Haven't used it for several years and not sure I could find it right now. By the way this was done with a small wire brush and it was brushed on as I recall.

Look around in the gun books.



Hi Boo, that's different to plating, as someone will explain hopefully in a bit. I also used to have an old book on how to electro plate, it involved using a 6 volt battery and a chemical solution.

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