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PIP Work party

Black Owl

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If anyone is available and interested in providing some assistance, we will be holding a work party at Gary's place to get ready for the 2008 Pork in the Pines.


Primarily we will be building a new cooker for the hog. But there are some other things that need attention.


We will be there next Sat, Jul 12, 2008. Hope to get started around 7 am. I realize that that is real early for some, but want to make a full day of it.


So, if you have nothing else going on and would be willing to give us a hand, we sure would appreciate it.



Thanks much.





BTW: The on-line site is up and running for those who would like to pre-register. This will help us get an idea on how large a hog to order.

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If anyone is available and interested in providing some assistance, we will be holding a work party at Gary's place to get ready for the 2008 Pork in the Pines.


Primarily we will be building a new cooker for the hog. But there are some other things that need attention.


We will be there next Sat, Jul 12, 2008. Hope to get started around 7 am. I realize that that is real early for some, but want to make a full day of it.


So, if you have nothing else going on and would be willing to give us a hand, we sure would appreciate it.



Thanks much.





BTW: The on-line site is up and running for those who would like to pre-register. This will help us get an idea on how large a hog to order.



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Mornin...Black Owl! Wish we could get up there to help this weekend but heading down to New Orleans for work for a few days.


Appreciate the thought, but it would have been a long way to come just for one day. Hoping some of the folks a bit closer will have some time to share. http://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/emotions-smileys-free/deadhorse.gif



Still planning on making Hobo Days. But if that don't work out, will see you at the Pork in the Pines.



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:thumbsup2: yup i'll still be there,russ.. lol..... lookin forward to seein ya there.. ( i'll try to be awake when you get there) lol.


Great. You want me to wake you up, or just start without you? http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol5.gif


So far it looks like it will just be the two of us. http://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/emotions-smileys-free/deadhorse.gif http://www.getsmile.com/emoticons/emotions-smileys-free/deadhorse.gif



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I will be working Friday night/ Saturday morning so I cant help you either. I take it you are driving up on Friday night Owl if you are starting at 7am or so.

Rick F.


Are you coming up to the Pork in the Pines rally?

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I will be working Friday night/ Saturday morning so I cant help you either. I take it you are driving up on Friday night Owl if you are starting at 7am or so.

Rick F.


Well, I was sort of hoping I could slip away early Friday afternoon. The Gods seem to be against me though.


Need to go look at two more gas hogs which mysteriously bust into flames.


So, unless I get real lucky, will probably hit the road real early Sat morning and drive like he77 to get up north.


Sorry you can't make the work party, but it would sure be great if you could get up to the Pork in the Pines this year.


We still need to get together for breakfast some week end.



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