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Need numbers for the Kitchener Rally wrap-up dinner

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Guest ReinyRooster

Ladies, gentleman, boys & girls. As you probably know by now, at the 2008 VentureRider rally in Kitchener in a few weeks, we are holding a "wrap-up" dinner Wednesday night. This is Wednesday July 9th and is a buffet of great German food being held at the Transylvania Club in Kitchener. If people who are not registered for the rally wish to come (presumably locals) to this wrap-up dinner, they can but we need to know ahead of time, as we need to give the Transylvania Club some definite numbers so they know how much food to prep. If you want to come to this buffet, it is $25.00, which can be paid at the door. The meal includes everything, including coffee and dessert.

If you are NOT registered for the rally but want to come to this wrap-up dinner, let me know here now please.:backinmyday:

Guest JGorom
  ReinyRooster said:
If you want to come to this buffet, it is $25.00, which can be paid at the door. The meal includes everything, including coffee and dessert.

If you are NOT registered for the rally but want to come to this wrap-up dinner, let me know here now please.:backinmyday:


Reiny...is that $25 for a one or two persons?

Guest ReinyRooster

It is $25.00 per person which includes salads, two meats, all the trimmings, vegetables, dessert and coffee.

Guest ReinyRooster

That's good news! See you then.


hi reiny

we will be leaving on wensday morning to head back to texas. will have to go by this resturant on monday or tuesday evening to check it out. will get directions from ya when i see ya. i also bought you a case of " lone star beer.:scorched: "

thanks best reguards

don c.

Guest ReinyRooster

Don...you are a true gentleman......no matter what those other people say.......:crackup::crackup:

Ride safe.




Just registeredfor rally. My daughter Jessica will be there just for dinner

We will pay at the door for her






Well heck...I've had a terrible time this year trying to determine if I could even make it. Looks like I'll be there but I think my son is coming with me this time as Eileen won't be able too. I'll get registered later today but count us in for two at the dinner. We probably won't arrive until Tuesday night though.

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