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Hello Brando,

Welcome to Venture Rider. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Brando joined on the 02/24/2025.

View Member


Thank you. I recently acquired a 2000 Royal Star Millennium Limited Edition (no. 202 of 1500) and I was wondering how much this bike is actually worth. It seems to me that being one of 1500 in the world and one of only 1000 in the country that this bike is pretty rare. I just don't know how desirable this model is but I would think that being rare as it is, it's probably best kept in bone stock condition, meaning that aftermarket mods would only decrease its value and desirability. I tend to feel the need to modify every vehicle I own so I'm contemplating selling or trading the bike to someone that would appreciate it for what it is. I love modifying vehicles but I also appreciate a limited edition in its original state. Please let me know what you think. I'm new to the Venture world so i could use some pointers on the culture and ways. I will take some photos and post them asap.

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