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has anyone had rotator cuff surgery?


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well not sure he will heal any faster.....its my understanding that it was more in the shoulder joint where his was torn kind of in the socket rather than around the outside of the shoulder ( rotator cuff)


Olga isnt good enough :rotf: actually I think I will find him a CUPCAKE to take care of him:rotf::rotf:


The socket part of the shoulder is sort of shaped like a pear that has been split down from the stem to the base and then hollowed out slightly. The ball part of the upper arm rests in this shallow socket. The two bones, shoulder blade and arm are attached by a joint capsule that encloses the ball and socket. This capsule attaches to a cartelage "like" fibrous ring that is grown to and part of the boney socket. This "Labrum", or meaning lips purpose is to deepen and yet provide a flexible shock absorbing surface for the ball to fit and move in. This is a very elegant design that gives an amazing amount of mobility and still is relatively stable.


When you tear the labrum, part of this lip is pulled away from the bone. The tears can be small, or large enough to allow the shoulder to dislocate. Sometimes tendons themselves are pulled away from the bone taking a little plug of bone with it or fractures of the boney rim its self can occur.


In a couple of weeks the tissue should knit together but it may take a full year for the injured tissue to gain full strength. So falling off of the bike or any other fall could re-tear the labrum.


Its important to do the exercises as soon as the surgeon allows. Other wise he could end up with a frozen shoulder.


By the way how did Dale injure his shoulder in the first place?


Look here for more info:




or here if you want to see what physical therapist think:




Dale is going to have lots of time to surf, so he can learn all about it.


Good luck, and God bless.

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