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Finally take off with our son's on a 10 day ride out to Black Hills and Wyoming. Any place we've missed that we really should ride?

Spearfish Canyon

Needles Hiway

Vanocker Canyon

Norbeck Hiway

Iron Mountain Rd

Nemo Rd

Mt Rushmore

Devils Tower

16 & 16A

We also plan to spend a day in the Little Big Horns. Appreciate any input and suggestions would be appreciated!



i don't know anything about Wyoming, except that it is STILL COLD,and raining, up there.you guys ride SAFE, and enjoy your trip.

just jt


Thanks everyone!

Mini, it was fun seeing pix of Don's MD and to put a face to a name!! Keep our boys in your prayers as it's a little nerve wracking making sure they ride safe! You never get over "worrying" about them no matter how old they get!




I have to thank you for the additional list of places to visit.


I am just preparing my plans for a trip after the American Legion Legacy Run in August and was planning on riding from Phoenix to CA-OR-WA-ID-MT-WY-SD-NE-KS-OK-TX-Nacimiento/Mexico-TX-AK-TN-GA-NC-KY-WV-MD-DC (home). Hope I can do it in 1 1/2 months and visit the places I would like to (which also includes Sheridan and the Fort MacKenzie Historic site there).


Since I think I will get enough riding as such :-), I can only add to your list for Wyoming with:


Medicine Wheel, WY on the 14A to be able to look at one of the few surviving Native American artifacts of its kind in the U.S. Its far away from everything and is supposed to provide good riding with swithbacks and sits atop of the Big Horn Mountains.


It shouldn't be difficult to get to Yellowstone from there.


I rode Chicago to Salt Lake in 2006, and came back to Chicago through the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and Theodore Roosevelt N.P. in ND. All I can say is don't ride at night and avoid (big distance please!) the buffalo, wild horses and larger antlered animals. Tank up more often than you think you should.


Wish all a safe and satisfying ride. We have a wonderful country that God made for us so try counting our blessings ;-)


Woud love to hear how it went and see some picturs too please.


God bless and keep safe.


I'd highly recomend a few hours at Little Big Horn as well. You can get a great idea of just how badly Custer screwed up! The rangers give a pretty good talk about the history, and the museum is interesting.

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