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Don's Maintenance Day


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Well what a great day at Don's today, lots of members and bike's. I got my carb tune done and Squidley installed my brakes and I thank you Brad. I got back about 7:30PM safe and sound. I will post what pic's I have as soon as I get a chance to download.



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I ditto on the GREAT day at Don's. Nice to see everyone and Thanks all that helped me or I should say that I helped work on my brake lines and coolant. Learned alot, not that I would attempt any thing alone. Thanks again.


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Wish I could have made it. I am needing (although bike not running rough) a carb tune and very soon need a new rear tire.

Maybe next year.


Well heck, just hook up with Dan (Stardborg) from Chicago and come on over to the Pork in the Pines. We'll get your carbs tuned and anything else we can find to mess with.

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Now "OWL" you should not invite people to the P.I.P just to mess with them.

Because I know you guys are not going to "WORK" on anything.

You'll eat and talk smack, eat and talk smack

then you all will hit each other on the back tellin each other what great mechanics you all are eat and talk smack well you all get the picture.................................Ron





Actually a great place to go, But don't tell "OWL".............Ron

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Maintenance Day! What a fun time, Bikes all over the place, Bikes apart all over the place. Food all over the place. Super folks all over the place. What more can I say. "Oh" The Pond Monster is still alive and well, not sure but Diane said she saw he had a mate. That's right there is two of them. More to come................:2132:

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Guest ReinyRooster

WOW.....I'm glad I didn't stick around long enough to have to see the dreaded pond creatures. This was the first maintenance day that I was able to attend and I was amazed at the turnout! I wished I could have gotten there sooner (long story) but it was nice to meet some new friends, and be able to put some faces to the names. Some faces.....well there just aren't appropriate names! :rotf::rotf:

That was a great lunch and I want to extend a very sincere thanks to Don for opening his home to us and taking the time to organize everything.

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A few more pictures.













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We just got home from a wonderfull weekend. Thank you to the Nelson's for opening up their home to everyone and especially for putting up with the 'Pond Critters'. Good times, great food, and even better people. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictues of the group, just a few out at the light house.


For those that made it, it was great seeing everyone. For those that couldn't make it, hope to see you next year.

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I made it back safely too. Thanks Don and everyone for such a great time! I have a few pics but need to get unpacked first (where's that damned camera?). It was great to put faces with so many names. Rough calculations tell me that the lucky raffle winnings were almost exactly enough to cover fuel for the round trip (or fuel + tolls on the ride home) - welcome relief! :cool10: Thanks to all who contributed and added to the contribution bucket for the site!


Look forward to seeing many of you again (and many I didn't see) in Kitchener in a few weeks when I'll have Mrs. WilCruise in tow!

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Thanks SE Michigan crowd for allowing me to ride with you. I got home about an hour ago after my detour to Jackson.


Adding just two pictures as many were just like the ones you guys posted.


mini-muffin and YAMA MAMA. And one great picture I got showing off Don's nice lawn, I guess I got some of my mom's photography skills :).

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We made it home safe and sound, Big thanx to Don and Eileen for their hospitality they do an amazing job of hosting this event, the house and grounds were beautiful, the food was great and the friendships new and old are awesome. It was a great event, we enjoyed every minute, sorry we missed the pond monsters:whistling: Wish we could make them all! Craig and Kim

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Thanx for the pix! I think I just saw more of maintenance day here than I did AT maintenance day! Trikes - I didn't see no stinking Venture trikes there - nor any pond monsters (probably happy for that!), nor any cavorting in the pond, but OH, that would have been nice!!! Sorry I didn't get to meet more of you yesterday. I guess I should have gotten out of my shell more and wandered around!


I was dead beat this morning, but still managed to make it down to Nashville. I'm holed up here for the night to recuperate, then I'll finish the run into Fort Worth tomorrow. It just ain't fair that some of you could leave after dark and STILL make it home the same night! And I can't thank Don and Eileen enough for being such gracious hosts to a hoard of uncivilized bikers. And let's not forget the wonderful cheese cake makers (and their cheese cakes!) and all the others that put in so much effort to plan this thing and make it work. This was my first maintenance day, and I was quite impressed at how it all came together. Good to see you all again - looking forward to the next time!:thumbsup:


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We finally madeit in at about 7 tonight. Made great time until we hit the George Washington Bridge...what a shock, traffic in freakin New York City. Then we drove right into T-storms and near tornados for the last hour.

Had an incredible time, met some more great folks from here, re-met some friends we met last year.


We have only one regret, that we live so far away that this can't happen more.


No pics from us as the camera died so you'll all just have to look at everyone elses.




Vin and Sam

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What a weekend. It was really good to see everyone again and meet some new friends. Don and Eileen, Thanks so much for everything. Your hospitality is remarkable. The mower races were something too. Next year they need to start sooner tho. We made it home about 7:30 tonight. Great weather just a little windy. See you next year.

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Got home about 5:30 safe and soaked (poured for the last 5 minutes). Had a great time. Thanks Don for letting us come to your home.


Extra special thanks to HALRSV99, for bringing one of my daughters. Also Marcarl for coming 30 miles to come get my other daughter (after we had a slight incident on our way), and also Swifty for helping out. The kids had a great time and are beat.


Now I wonder why, nylon nuts breaking loose, allowing a license plate to fall off and not notice it fly by me, making us look for a place to drop off Naugh-T's bike so she could not drive to Don's on her own, would be my fault ?


WE lost Naugh-T's license plate and HAl phoned his sister so that store her bike for the weekend, bothering Carl and Wizard to drive 30 miles back to pick up one of my daughters. SO Naugh't had to with me and she was not happy. (Carl maybe she should have rode with you.)


NOw how could this be my Fault :think: Maybe I should have used real bolts. :sign13:. I love you so Much !






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Guest Swifty
Here are the pic's I had taken. Sorry took so long.


SHHEESSH, at over 1MB per pic, Joe, I know what you mean...it'll take us dial up folks over a year to look at them all individually. Is there anyway you and all other guys can make your pics in the 100KB range before you post them...sure would give us anti-techno types some enjoyment too.

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SHHEESSH, at over 1MB per pic, Joe, I know what you mean...it'll take us dial up folks over a year to look at them all individually. Is there anyway you and all other guys can make your pics in the 100KB range before you post them...sure would give us anti-techno types some enjoyment too.


Then you don't want to try Sleeperhawks Mechanics pic file!!!! Only 933 of them!!!



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