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My bike is in the shop for warranty work but plan on wiring an XM radio, the roady 2, once it gets back to me. my question is I want to hard wire it in but have heard that the best idea is to wire it into something that only comes on with the ignition keyed. Any recommendations on what to tap it into?


Sure, you can tap into the auxiliary wire inside the fairing. This is the one that goes to the cigarette lighter plug on the lower left side of the fairing.


Alternative number two is a switched power supply under the seat. It's a little white plug that isn't used for anything. Looks like this.




Third option is to just use the supplied plug for the cigarette lighter style. It's the easiest.




Thanks Bob. I"ll probably either use the cig lighter or maybe the aux plug. Would rather hard wire it in so all I need to do is stick it on and plug in the plug.


By the way in case I hadn't thanked you already, thanks for the outstanding deal also.


No problem,


If you want to hard wire it, you will have to split the fairing. Just tap into the hot side of the Aux. plug and ground it with the little bolt that is on the carriage for the cassette player. You will have to use the special 6 volt adapter.


Are you getting a Hoon mount?




Yeah I heeded your advice and ordered one. The 6 volt wiring kit that got sent with it should work right?


I have to split the fairing to take care of a few other projects anyways so no big deal.


Yea, that's from Hoon as well. I zip tied it inside the fairing.




I was pretty disappointed with the Roady Raincover. Had to use a hair dryer just to get it stretched enough to fit over the unit. I think a sandwich bag would work just as good.


Just curious...where are you mounting to? I've got a Hoon mount with my Roady and had it mounted on the left reservoir cover, but now with the RSV the radio controls are in the way. I thought about mounting on the right side but like having it accessible to my left hand. Just wondering how you're doing it...JR


I just mounted my XM (skiFi2) and here's what I did:

1- split the fairing

2- went to radio shack and got an 1/8" stereo headphone splitter (allows 2 people to listen to the same source) Also got a aux cig. lighter kit.

3- pulled the aux audio input from the back of the cassette player head and put the new splitter in line. There is a tutorial in the tech area I think.

4- I spliced into the existing cig. lighter plug wiring for the new cig. lighter plug.

5- plugged the XM cig lighter power adapter in the new plug, taped it up with electrical tape and zip tied the stuff to existing framework in there so it would not move around.

6- I got this mount for my XM.... and there is a bent metal plate that holds the antenna. This worked super. If you fish around the site enough you can put together the pieces in chrome....

7- coiled the antenna cable in a coil the size of the underside of the antenna mount plate and zip tied it in place. Super clean install.

Everything works great. listen to tunes with key on ACC. XM unit is in a perfect position on the right handle bar.


My 2 cats worth.


I bought a 6V hard-wire power supply for my Roady2 on-line and connected it to the aux. power outlet wiring under the fairing (the "cigarette" lighter circuit) using spliced, soldered and shrink-wrapped connections...used zip ties to secure the box part. I stuck the mag-mount antenna right to the top of the cassette deck/radio housing (it "sees" the satellites right through the plastic fairing). The fairing doesn't interfer at all with the XM satellite signal, and it puts the antenna completely out of sight. I ran the power wire, the antenna cable, and an audio cable all in some 1/2" black wire loom up to the left handle bar. I used a RAM mount for the Roady 2 and mounted it to the handle bar right in front of the left speaker...so that the left end of the speedo and the left bank of indicator lights are just visible. It works like a charm and is VERY solid! I used a 3-way stereo splitter from Radio Shack which I plugged into the audio input on the sound system (see article elsewhere on this forum for instructions) and I ran one cable to the the left handle bar for the Roady2 as stated, and another cable to the right handle bar up to the throttle housing where I clip an iPod Shuffle onto the metal throttle cable tube right by the mirror base...fits perfectly.... and plug it in to the audio cable. This puts the iPod within reach of my right index finger as I ride, and puts the Roady2 within each reach of my left hand.

One note: if you have both the iPod and the Roady2 turned on and playing at the same time, you get really funky sound quality. So, you have to remember to turn one off when playing the other.


Oh, and buy a box of cheap sandwich bags and put a handful of small rubber bands in the box, and toss it in the trunk. You'll have rain proof covers for the Roady for years.


JR I haven't quite decided yet. Right side would make installation the easiest though. Thanks for the info guys.

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