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i guess i will go ahead and stick my neck out and ask this quistion. can you tell me what a color tune is and how it works i seen alot of talk about it and i really dont know what it is or how it is performed i do know that it's got some thing to do with the plugs and carb's but other than that i am lost. :confused24:


OK I'll stick my neck too :rotf::rotf:

Is It any diference between Carb Tune, and Color Tune, Or that's same stuff,just diferent brand. :confused24::confused24:


Same company different products. Carb tune is used to sync the carbs, color tune lets you look into the combustion chamber and adjust the pilot jet screw to the the right color which indicates the correct air fuel mixture.

Color tune is for richness or leaness isnt it?


Carbtune does the carbs to they are running in sync. (opening and closing together).




Thats about it. Carb Tune makes them work togather. Color-Tune sets fuel mixture

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