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I was on a little nostalgic journey as I sat drinking my coffee this morning.  I was thinking about all the wonderful rallies we have had over the years.  Then I tried to decide which were my favorites.  There have been many great ones from the Tail of the Dragon, the one in Canada, Great times in New York.  Of course I'm a bit partial to my Maintenance Days in Ohio.  The first one ever at Potato Creek was a great time as well as the one in Galena.  I think I have to say though that possibly my favorite two were the one in Colorado and the one at the Hub in Dogpatch Arkansas.  I hadn't thought much about The Hub in a while and did a search this morning and it appears that it has closed it's doors.  Sad to know.  Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to think back.  

I think what lead me to these thoughts was learning that Star Touring has shut down their site and are closing the doors.   I know that some of the chapters are coming up with a plan to keep it going in some manner or the other and I wish them nothing but the best.  That also reminded me of the final years of the Motorcycle Touring Association/Venture Touring Society.  Many of us fought hard rot keep the VTS alive.   That organization was once one of the largest in the nation with, I think, around 20,000 members.  They used to give away a new Venture at their yearly annual rally and one year actually gave away two.  

Anyway, it made me think about how lucky we are to still be kicking after what,  about 15 or so years?  I hope we can continue this for another 15.  

What are your most memorable Venturerider Rallies?

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Our First Maintenance Day, Vogel and Asheville are the best memories for us, we have meet so many great people and visited some beautiful places. Not Rallys but all of the impromptu get togethers and meet & eats have made for some great times as well. 

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I’m not sure what year it was but my first gathering was the International Rally in Galena, Illinois.  Since it was the first for me, I am sure that’s why It is my favorite


I'm a latecomer to the group, I've been to the last couple MDs at Don's, 2 trips to WNY Rally, and Vogel for the first time this past year. I've been riding Ventures for several years but all our travel was with the kids, usually involving theme parks or oceans. It's been a lot of fun meeting everyone and hope to go to more in the future, retirement is around the corner so we can hit them all. If the WKY rally catches on we'll try to make it an annual thing, I wouldn't mind turning it into a several day thing. With the lakes here, a national wildlife refuge, Illinois Garden of the Gods, civil war forts, etc there is plenty to go see and do. I won't pick a favorite because I hope to see more before I pick one.


Potato Creek was a hoot. but Colorado was my favourite for a few reasons.....it was my longest trip on a bike, the camaraderie and of course the Colorado scenery was amazing. Would do that one again anytime. 

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Haven't been to a lot..maybe a half dozen, but I kinda like the WNY Rally...Lotsa good folks, campfire, band, and that uh...wonderful...hooch that Starfan brings from across the pond. Love Dons' MD, cause it's close and gives an opportunity for some wrenchin' and socializin'...  I'll be retiring in 5 or 6 years and hope to be able to attend more frequently then.


First was at @MarcarlMeet & Great Then New York Rally & can't forget @Freebird Maintenance Day!!!!  Can't really have a favorite as I ENJOYED     every    one I made it to. Also can't forget LONGEST one to Illinois!!

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Posted (edited)

The first rally that Tina and I attended was the WNY rally followed by the West Virginia international rally the same year. Never thought we would enjoy it as much as we have. We have since been to four WNY rallies, the last two maintenance days at Dons and Vogel last year. We are going to WKY rally and Ashville this year. We enjoy the events so much that we schedule all our vacation time to attend as many as possible each year. Don thanks for starting this group and keeping it going for all these years, without out it, we would have missed out on meeting some of the best people that we have ever met.



Edited by WIZ

Robin and I have worked every WNY rally and attended 5 MD's at Freebirds. MD's were my favorite because I didn't have to work, lol


Great post Don. I've been to most of the rallies you've mentioned at one time or other. We've enjoyed and attended almost all of them at one time or other with some being yearly. I believe the biggest, attendance wise, was Fort Collins, Colorado with well over a 100 bikes there. We really can't say which ones are our favorites as several rallies have been attended multiple times over the years. Meeting folks here from this site is what has drawn us to these rallies as much as touring the country. While I no long own a RSV I still try to attend 1 or 2 rallies per year just to touch base with people I've met over the years. A couple rallies not mentioned we've attend was Don & Patti's (B2Dad & B2Mom) meet & great and the Root Beer Run put on by Mike & Cheri Eykamp.

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They all have been great Rallies and I totally enjoyed  each and every one of them. However if I had to choose the most memorable  one, for me it would be Guntersville AL. After leaving Canada I hooked up with Jim (aka: Jayceesfolly may he rest in peace ) at Salamanca and we rode down together sticking to the small mountain back roads all the way. It added an extra day of riding but the mountain scenery and riding those twisty mountain roads,  just made for an amazing ride. Camping were the deer came right up to your tent and the tour of the Amazing Cathedral caverns all added up to a trip, that for me was unforgettable. 

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It was our first Leaf Lookers Ride, It was the first one that Me and Sharon got to meet anyone from the site. And it was a great time and we met new friends and there are some of those that have become a big part of our family.


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the true tragedy is no one is taking about continuing this tradition and planning future rallies. sounds like the beginning of the end. Very sad. 


We had hoped to do Maintenance Day this year now that Covid has eased up.  Unfortunately, Eileen is having some health issues that have made it pretty much impossible at this time. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

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I’m really hoping things start getting back to normal this year. Of course we have the get together here, I’m really looking at Asheville if I can get away, and maybe one more trip with the wife to Florida this summer. I’m planning to retire this summer and hope to see friends again and meet new ones at any rallies we can make. 

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I don't see another WNY rally, Bigtom and motorcycletom sold their rides and we lost Bongbob couple years ago. Maybe the Canadians can put something together for the northeast area. 


Really sad that there might not be any more New York rallies! I really miss the original area they were set up across from Pioneer Motorsports and never made it to the new area around the lake. I think it was more like ridding around here at the new site.

Mostly liked the hilly(mountain) twisty turns and roads to the different historical areas as it is really flat ridding around Woodstock Ontario Canada.Liked the restaurants like Chanderson's and Spragg's!

It would be nice to have another rally up here in Canada EH! I would probably have  more time to help out if the others think this is feasible!

One problem is getting to any areas like New York rally we would have to have it around the Meaford or Collingwood area like was put on a few years ago. Good riding  roads etc.

But a major disadvantage for this would be that guns are NOT allowed across the border ! I would think there would be a safe place to keep them around the border then pick them up on way back(like UPS lockers  or gun shops?


I've only managed one... They was MD 3 (yikes) years ago.

Met many of the gang there... Even my lady enjoyed meeting everyone. 

You are all good people.... Know that. And also know that no matter what the future holds for us, individually or together as a group, we have established a bond of friendship that can never be erased. 

For that alone, I'm grateful!


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