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330239615319 http://www.ebay.com


Looks interesting. Wonder what he did to the intake system. Lots of ingenuity in that build. I like the cut down stock fairing. Or at least the use of the stock speedo. Not sure if it's a cut down OEM one or not.


It's back.


That custom RSV Trike has been for sale more times than a members of a certain 'old' profession.


It's a looker. I've never noticed if it is the same seller ever time or it's getting passed around from owner to owner.


That bike pops up every now and then. It was entered in the Star Calendar contest in '06 (I think). It had two wheels then.


Don't sweat the rehash. It's nice to see what they're doing with it. Aside from trying to sell it, that is.


I asked him where the electronics were. He wrote "Most are inside the chin spoiler, and in back of radiator". Not sure what "chin spoiler" is though.

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