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So sorry for your relapse. We have you added to our prayer list.

I've noticed the traffic slow down as well. I guess it's to be expected with the bike out of production.

As far as meets, the Vogel/Asheville meet is going strong. Y'all come on down to Asheville this August.

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I am also on different Facebook bike websites BUT THIS is the MAIN site I ALWAYS go to!!!! Not any information at all but do mention our site if they need any information.

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Our Prayers will continue for you Don!     I have had many different bikes over the years, but will always say this group is one of the best out there, as a result from the great Leadership.



Bonnie and I are sending Prayers your way that all will come out right and no future problems. 

I Just want to tell you Thank You For this site and all the info you can find in this site . I have been in hear a long time and I too have not been riding much at all ,maybe 500 miles last year but still enjoy it when we do. After closing up my motorcycle shop and moving up in the north woods everything changed for me also. Enjoy it when you can .


Don, you will be in Penny's and my thoughts and prayers.  Here's hoping it's confined to that eye.

As far as this site being slow in the winter, a lot of that has to do with not riding, so, it's out of most people's minds.  Like you, I only rode my bike once last year and really need to take the time and just do it.  Had something happen to my right wrist this fall, and I couldn't hold a cup of coffee let alone a 900 lb. Venture. And now just like that, it's better?

I dropped Face book, Twitter and Instagram.  Will never participate in organizations that try to control what people think. Hopefully these monopolies will be addressed by our elected officials this year. 


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Sorry to hear about the relapse Don, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.   I haven’t been on the site as much since the RSV was sold, but still pop in to see what is going on.  As far as riding is concerned, last summer the amount was down, but we did get out on a regular basis with Tammie and I pointing our bikes in one direction and following the roads in our corner of Ontario.   In the past month or so it has come up about hopefully being able to meet up with some of the great friends we have met through this site, when this years riding season begins.

Looking forward to sharing a coffee, ice cream down the road.




Good luck with your treatment Don. Praying for a positive outcome and full recovery. You and this group will always have a special place in my heart. 


I am new owner of RSV and new member of this forum . I hope you have good results in health issues. You have many good friends praying for you. 


I have been in so many difficult times injuries and sickness ...GOD has been there each time and pulled me through all of them .....Life is a gift , and when I hear about people in difficult times , sickness or injury I think of the book of Matthew in the Bible ..JESUS says he wants us to come to him for help in time of need and ask for healing when someone is ill , and when we pray we are to believe that our prayers will be answered ..Faith brings Hope and let us all keep on praying  for Don .......It has been great for to log into this site and I get the feeling all of us are caring people .....  

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Sorry that cancer has again come into your life again, Prayers up and away.

I never thought that becoming a member would lead to a path in life that over the years has made for some of the best memories. And the friends that we made that have become part of our family. I have to say is all thanks to you Don for this site. 

I have sat and thought about all of the great people that have been able to meet, and the gatherings we have had here and it all started with over a set of carbs for a 1983 Venture.



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  • 4 months later...

Don, I was sorry to read this post, but glad the cancer did not move to your good eye.  I hope all went as well as it good for the treatments.

Prayers will be sent for you and Eileen.  God Bless

On 1/9/2022 at 10:06 AM, Freebird said:

I got a message from a member asking why the site is so dead lately.  I don't know for sure but I feel like it's just taking the same course as so many clubs do over the years.  We have to be around 15 years old now and many of our core members have gotten older and quit riding.  I don't even ride much any longer.  I think I took my bike out one time last summer.  I keep saying that I'm going to get back into it but just haven't had the desire.  

I think that all this Covid stuff played at least a small part.  Our regional rallies and etc. were a glue that helped hold us all together,.  Getting together in person and sharing our stories, working on the bikes, just enjoying one anothers company always seemed to rekindle things.  I haven't even had my annual Maintenance Day now for 3 years and that was a highlight, at least for Eileen and I.  Not sure we'll have it this year due to the surge of Covid happening again.  I know that we need to but just don't know yet.

I've not been nearly as active and that pays a big part also,  I used to spend a lot of time looking for interesting things to post, tips for our bikes, all kinds of things but just haven't had the time.  Starting a new business about 3 years ago has consumed a lot of my time.  

Now here is something that I haven't told any of you.  Those of you who have been around for a long time will remember that I had a bout with cancer a few years ago, about 13 years ago to be more exact.  I had Ocular Melanoma and due to the radiation and etc.,, ended up losing 100% of the site in my right eye.  I still go back yearly for follow ups.  Well my yearly exam was last week and I was dismayed to learn that I again have the cancer.  It, luckily, is in the same eye so going blind is not an issue.  The fact is though, I don't know yet if it has spread to the liver or anywhere else.  I will be going into the hospital late next week for surgery and more radiation.  I have appointments sometime over the next week or so for MRIs and etc. to determine if it has spread.  I'm trying to not fret over it too much.  Just going about my work and will see where things end up.

I hate that the site has gotten slow but have no intentions of shutting it down anytime in the near future.  I put my heart and sole into this site for a lot of years and I have to do better.  In the meantime, I hope that most of you will stick with us, spread the word about the site, and hopefully we can get it moving again.  Only time will tell.

WOW,, I missed sooo much while I was down and its sooo good to be back @Freebird.  Thankfully they caught that nasty return of cancer when they did my friend, God is good. You KNOW you now have our prayers too as the follow ups on your treatments continue. 

Back when I was in College I studied "Group Dynamics" and ironically, there are some interesting comparisons about what "professionals" have to say about groups like ours and the reality of living them. I gotta tell you brother, our site has actually done VERY well, statistically speaking, and that is due in a huge part because of the type of people the site attracts due in huge part to your leadership and passion for it.  I have a gut feeling that VR is far from over or dieing. Slow spells are common in Group Dynamics as life change happens for people and its more common for things to end than pop back up and keep growing BUT, cohesiveness does have its rewards cause of the strength it provides as a means of survival. THATS where real leadership shows up! As I get back on my feet and more involved with, hopefully, being able to make YouTube vids again I will once again be encouraging people that see my vids and ask questions to give VR a peek. In the past, because I like to yap lol, I was always telling people on the tube to "go check with the GURU's on VR" or "you think I am crazy, go check VR out" and I have no intent of changing that because VR is one of the few really healthy spots left on the internet IMHO. THANK YOU for hanging in there Don, VR has created a TON of great memories for many many people and hopefully it will continue to do so for many years to come! Puc

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  • 1 month later...

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