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We've had just a few days over the past month fit for riding. Some I got out on, some I had to play papaw. I may get a couple more. Hard to know in Kentucky nowadays. Fuel conditioner in the tank. Battery tender on the plug.. Santa soon to come by. I want to wish all you folks a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! and  Prayer that the New Year brings better days without so much "illness".  Hope you all been good so Santa brings some new toys and accessories fresh from Yama-Mama..

God Bless You All,



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Merry Christmas from the Hermsdorfers.   The Good Lord is hoping for all of us to reflect on what is what is right, and what is wrong.  We....decide how this world turns out.... Please search your heart, and decide what is right for you.  I hope and pray this finds everyone of you in good health and economic security.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas to all y’all. Brought the marm n kids to Florida for an early Christmas, just as warm back in Ky. Between the tornadoes and this trip the bikes been setting. Hope to remedy that this week. 

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Hoping that you all can and will take a little bit of time to celebrate the birth of the One who started this all years ago. May you find His peace in your hearts and His love surrounding you.

As we look forward to a new year may we all search for the truth, help those in need, comfort those who mourn and sorrow, and rejoice in the blessings that have been given us to share.

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