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Bike is popping and running rich, I now have a trail of gas following me!  I guessing a stuck float.   What could cause this and is there a easy fix?  Thanks for the help 

  • 2 weeks later...


It could be a few things causing it to run rich. 

First (and easiest), check the mixture screws on the carbs.  If you haven't dealt with them previously, they may be covered by a small brass cap.  Just knock those off and throw them away.  Make sure they are all set the same.  Mine are 2-1/4 turns out (IIRC - haven't messed with them for a while).  You will need a long flat blade screw driver - same as you need to sync the carbs.  After adjustment, sync the carbs.

Second, make sure the carbs are seated properly in the intake boots.  I had one carb that was always difficult to sync and was getting gas smell when riding.  After removing the carbs to do a valve shim check, I noticed the boot has folded in the last time the carbs had been installed.  Reinstalled the carbs correctly and it sync'd right up and the gas smell went away.

Third, the float height adjustment might be off.  This is not uncommon.  Of course there can be other problems with the float/needle too.  There is a thread here that discusses setting the float height properly.

Good luck and let us know what you found.


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