eagleeye Posted January 18, 2021 #76 Posted January 18, 2021 Hey Earl, I'm so glad to hear that you are improving each day. The next thing you know you'll be back in the shop. Just so fortunate it was found and corrected!
Woody Posted January 18, 2021 #77 Posted January 18, 2021 Glad to hear you are doing better, keep it going
saddlebum Posted January 18, 2021 #78 Posted January 18, 2021 Its been so silent from your end I was beginning to get a bit concerned. Soooo glad to hear from you Earl @skydoc_17 and very happy for you since based on what you say you are on a good road to recovery. Now if we can just get rid of this covid issue so we can all get together again for some good old fashioned camaraderie. 1
cowpuc Posted January 19, 2021 #79 Posted January 19, 2021 On 1/17/2021 at 7:05 PM, skydoc_17 said: First off, I wanted to thank each and everyone for your prayers and well wishes for both Jean and myself. I can't tell you how much it meant to us, especially right after the surgery when it was touch and go there for a while. The next thing I wanted to say is I am VERY grateful to be ALIVE today! This all started on December the 6th of last year. My left leg had been going numb off and on over the last year and it had finally gotten to the point where one day it went numb, and the feeling never returned. I thought I was looking at a hip replacement, my doctor was skeptical. He sent me for an MRI anyway. The report came back that afternoon and my hip joint was in excellent condition, but the doctor found a rather large aneurysm at the base of my Aorta, and I had zero blood flow to my left leg, and only 40% blood flow to my right leg. I was called at work the next morning, and was TOLD that I needed to get to the hospital for a CT Scan ASAP! At that point, this stopped sounding like a hip replacement, and more like something much worse! I left work at 10am, got the CT Scan and met with the best Cardiac Surgeon in the area. He gave me two options, pop a couple stents in the Femoral Leg Arteries and hope the aneurysm doesn't explode for like the rest of my life, or sigh up for a legit Triple Bypass. Now overall, I'm in pretty decent health. NO heart disease, I'm not Diabetic, and I stopped smoking about 10 years ago. If I address this issue in a timely manner, I could have another 20 years left in me, maybe more. The lure of the stents was a very quick recovery. I talked it over with Jean, and decided to go for the Triple Bypass. I have attached some pics below. I haven't really been out to the shop since I have been home. Jean, of course has been watching me like a hawk. I am currently receiving at home PT, and am working on the going to the bathroom issue. It seems like my stomach has forgotten where my butt is for the time being! LOL!! On a brighter note, the feeling in my left leg is about 90% restored. I am now able to walk farther than I have been able to in over a year which is wonderful news! Thank you again for the prayers and well wishes, It meant a lot to me! Earl and Jean. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW Earl,, you are taking scar showing off to a whole new level!!! THANK YOU for the update brother!! Still got the prayers up for you folks!! Heal well my friend!! Puc 1
videoarizona Posted January 19, 2021 #80 Posted January 19, 2021 Thank you for the update, Earl! Glad you are home! Now take care of you so we can see you on the road at some point! Prayers Up!!
Bubber Posted January 19, 2021 #81 Posted January 19, 2021 Glad you are doing OK. I see they put in a zipper for easy access. Let's try not to need it ,OK. Get better soon and stay safe my friend!
sleepy2 Posted January 21, 2021 #82 Posted January 21, 2021 Glad to see this update! Take good care of yourself!!!!
skydoc_17 Posted February 8, 2021 Author #83 Posted February 8, 2021 The PTSD of having 75 staples removed has finally passed, so I thought I would share how it went at the surgeon's office last Monday to have my staples removed. The doc came in, saw that everything was good, and left me to his Physicians Assistant. (I don't think he can stand the sight of blood!) She smiled at me the same way my wife smiles at me when I need to take out the trash, or work on her car! I knew I was in trouble. She leaned in, and said "Mr. Harrell, we usually only remove about 35 to 40 staples at one time due to the fact that the pain and bleeding becomes so great that you run the risk of passing out!" I told her flat out that if we start this, and I walk out of here with half of those staples in me, I will go to my grave with them still there because you will NEVER get me back in here! She took a step back and said, "Okee Dokee!" She prepared a tray with the items to remove the staples and I could feel sweat dripping from my forehead! The last thing she opened was a sterilized package with the "Staple Removal Tool" in it. I swear to God that tool looked like a pair of 3 foot long branch loppers! (Only from MY perspective) I gasped, and my wife, (a retired nurse) started to chuckle! When she crunched down on that first staple, I thought she was cutting 1/4" bolts in two! (Only from MY perspective) That first staple was about an inch from "Mr. Winkey", and I was beginning to feel like a gelding on an episode of Dr. POL. (The Vet Show) She plucked the first 10 staples out with deft precision, and looked up at my face to see how I was doing. By then the blood was flowing pretty freely, (I'm not bothered by the sight of blood) and other than a death grip on the gurney, I was still OK. When she got up around the belly button area, she was having to use a twisting motion to remove the staples! I NEVER made a sound! But I did feel the tubing of the gurney start to give due to my death grip! (Only from MY perspective) I was starting to breathe pretty heavy now, and I was only 20 staples in! After she passed the Belly Button area, the next 20 staples went like the first 10. Painful, but relatively quickly. After number 40 was removed she mopped up the blood, and announced "This is where I usually stop Mr. Harrell." And through clinched teeth and labored breath I blurted out, "I'm fine, lets keep going!" She looked at my wife, she shrugged, and she once again said, "Okee Dokee!" When she got back into it, I closed my eyes, and at that point the next 20 staples were a blur. I thought it would be a good idea to open my eyes as we passed staple number 60. This was a mistake! I began to develop tunnel vision, and I could hear the sounds of people talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying! After what seemed like for ever, she took her gloved hand, dripping with MY blood, firmly lifted my chin, looked me in the eyes with a different smile, (I have NO idea what I was looking at before she did this) and said, "OK, we're all done!" I made a noise, but it wasn't a word, and I nodded. She looked at my wife and said, "Nobody's ever lasted that long before in this office!" She leaned in on me again, and placed a cookie in my hand and whispered, "eat this quick, so you don't pass out on the way to your car in front of your wife!" I deftly pushed the cookie into my mouth, but did not chew it. (My wife later told me I looked like a chipmunk) After a few minutes, it was clear that I was not going to be allowed to leave until I swallowed that cookie! Shortly after eating the cookie, I felt much better. My wife never said a word on the ride home. And that my friends, is what the removal of 75 staples sounds like! (Only from MY perspective) Earl 1 1 2
BlueSky Posted February 8, 2021 #84 Posted February 8, 2021 (edited) Geez, how much fun can you have? Right! Man, they should have given you a good dose of demerol. I had a couple of injections of demerol way back when the doc set some bones. I could still feel the pain, but I didn't care! That was some good shxt! Edited February 8, 2021 by BlueSky 1
Squidley Posted February 8, 2021 #86 Posted February 8, 2021 7 hours ago, skydoc_17 said: The PTSD of having 75 staples removed has finally passed, so I thought I would share how it went at the surgeon's office last Monday to have my staples removed. The doc came in, saw that everything was good, and left me to his Physicians Assistant. (I don't think he can stand the sight of blood!) She smiled at me the same way my wife smiles at me when I need to take out the trash, or work on her car! I knew I was in trouble. She leaned in, and said "Mr. Harrell, we usually only remove about 35 to 40 staples at one time due to the fact that the pain and bleeding becomes so great that you run the risk of passing out!" I told her flat out that if we start this, and I walk out of here with half of those staples in me, I will go to my grave with them still there because you will NEVER get me back in here! She took a step back and said, "Okee Dokee!" She prepared a tray with the items to remove the staples and I could feel sweat dripping from my forehead! The last thing she opened was a sterilized package with the "Staple Removal Tool" in it. I swear to God that tool looked like a pair of 3 foot long branch loppers! (Only from MY perspective) I gasped, and my wife, (a retired nurse) started to chuckle! When she crunched down on that first staple, I thought she was cutting 1/4" bolts in two! (Only from MY perspective) That first staple was about an inch from "Mr. Winkey", and I was beginning to feel like a gelding on an episode of Dr. POL. (The Vet Show) She plucked the first 10 staples out with deft precision, and looked up at my face to see how I was doing. By then the blood was flowing pretty freely, (I'm not bothered by the sight of blood) and other than a death grip on the gurney, I was still OK. When she got up around the belly button area, she was having to use a twisting motion to remove the staples! I NEVER made a sound! But I did feel the tubing of the gurney start to give due to my death grip! (Only from MY perspective) I was starting to breathe pretty heavy now, and I was only 20 staples in! After she passed the Belly Button area, the next 20 staples went like the first 10. Painful, but relatively quickly. After number 40 was removed she mopped up the blood, and announced "This is where I usually stop Mr. Harrell." And through clinched teeth and labored breath I blurted out, "I'm fine, lets keep going!" She looked at my wife, she shrugged, and she once again said, "Okee Dokee!" When she got back into it, I closed my eyes, and at that point the next 20 staples were a blur. I thought it would be a good idea to open my eyes as we passed staple number 60. This was a mistake! I began to develop tunnel vision, and I could hear the sounds of people talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying! After what seemed like for ever, she took her gloved hand, dripping with MY blood, firmly lifted my chin, looked me in the eyes with a different smile, (I have NO idea what I was looking at before she did this) and said, "OK, we're all done!" I made a noise, but it wasn't a word, and I nodded. She looked at my wife and said, "Nobody's ever lasted that long before in this office!" She leaned in on me again, and placed a cookie in my hand and whispered, "eat this quick, so you don't pass out on the way to your car in front of your wife!" I deftly pushed the cookie into my mouth, but did not chew it. (My wife later told me I looked like a chipmunk) After a few minutes, it was clear that I was not going to be allowed to leave until I swallowed that cookie! Shortly after eating the cookie, I felt much better. My wife never said a word on the ride home. And that my friends, is what the removal of 75 staples sounds like! (Only from MY perspective) Earl Thank you for the indepth commentary on the Harreling experience. Way to suck up such grueling pain and persevere, I'm proud of you buddy!
SpencerPJ Posted February 8, 2021 #87 Posted February 8, 2021 Great write up, glad you survived. I would have tried as well, I don't like those places. Prayers for full healing 🙏 A UTube video attachment would have been great, 😄
Marcarl Posted February 8, 2021 #88 Posted February 8, 2021 That would have been my take on it as well,,, glad you made it through in one session. Blessings on further healings. Are you sure there isn't just one left, so you could go back and thank her for a job well done?
eagleeye Posted February 8, 2021 #89 Posted February 8, 2021 (edited) That was an amazing write - up! and no doubt experience to say the least. Thanks for that and now you just finish healing up I meant to add that you should really share that with the staple remover lady. and after reading that I thought for sure you were going to say that you now have a staple remover in your tool arsenal. Edited February 8, 2021 by eagleeye added 1
videoarizona Posted February 8, 2021 #90 Posted February 8, 2021 Well done! Loved your write up. But know how painful that was. Prayers Up for continued success in healing!
Flyinfool Posted February 8, 2021 #91 Posted February 8, 2021 WOW, It really sounds like you had a fun time..........not. Just keep on healin and followin the Drs orders. Sometimes they actually have a clue even if it don't seem like it at the time.
saddlebum Posted February 9, 2021 #92 Posted February 9, 2021 (edited) Sure glad You got through all this OK. I think I would have taken the same approach as you. No way after removing Half the staples with that much pain would they get me back for a rematch on the remainder. Best get them out while you got me there. At least that would be my thoughts on it. Better yet hope I never have to prove it. Thumbs up to you for earning that cookie (should have been two cookies though) since you did two sessions in one. Having said all that I hope your full recovery time is short and complete so life for you can get back to normal. Edited February 9, 2021 by saddlebum 1
WRIDR Posted February 12, 2021 #93 Posted February 12, 2021 "A U-Tube video attachment would have been great" Yeah, and sickened half our Elderly Viewers, including Yours Truly!!! Rgds, WRIDR 1
WildBill1 Posted February 19, 2021 #94 Posted February 19, 2021 After reading about the staple removal I went downstairs and jumped on the elliptical and from there to the weight bench. Hope you never have to unzip that zipper.
skydoc_17 Posted March 12, 2021 Author #95 Posted March 12, 2021 ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END! (Or so they say!)I am officially back to work at my "Day Job" starting Monday, March 15th, 2021! All of my kits I offer, as well as the Shim Kit Loan are being offered again. The only exception to this would be the Block Off Plates. My wife has eased up a bit about letting me out in the shop, FOR NOW! I have been warned that if I come in from the shop "all beat up", that will be the end of that, so to speak. I can't tell you how grateful I am to be sitting here still on this planet, and chatting with this wonderful group of people! So, if anyone needs the Shim Kit, or anything else for that matter, just let me know! Also Thank you EVERYONE for the support during this trying time! Stay safe! Earl 8
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