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Holy Cat Crap Batman

Black Owl

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Was over in the Dells, WI yesterday. $3.97 for regular........


Would hate to see what the price would be if the oil companies were making more than 4 cents profit per gallon. And our legislators really raked them over the coals. Wonder if the oil companies provided pillows when everyone got down on their knees to kiss their a$$%.



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Wow, that cheap!! Try $4.09 average in this area...


Yeah, but you live in the Big Apple so you are used to inflated prices for everything. Us poor dumb country folk at least still like to get kissed when we get ------.

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u guys got cheap gas, we/ve been 5.28 us gallon for about a month now and all the projections are for more increases. We have a big refiniery and upgrader right here in town, but most of our gas goes to the US,,,,,go figure how that works.



U know gas is too high when your 1st gen hold 20 bucks and your indicator on the dash isnt on yet......


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Yeah, but you live in the Big Apple so you are used to inflated prices for everything. Us poor dumb country folk at least still like to get kissed when we get ------.


No, wise Mr. Owl, I live just about as far as you can get from the Big Apple. I live near Buffalo, which is about the most economically depressed area in New York State. NYC is around $4.50 a gallon from what I understand...

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u guys got cheap gas, we/ve been 5.28 us gallon for about a month now and all the projections are for more increases. We have a big refiniery and upgrader right here in town, but most of our gas goes to the US,,,,,go figure how that works.


Actually, it seems to work pretty much like vegetables and fruit; I live in CA and would like to buy our sunshine grown tomatoes and cucumbers, unfortunately they are on sale in Canada! And we get to buy your tastless greenhouse grown ones! Also, living in Orange County, you would think I could get those delicious CA grown citrus - but no... We get crappy Florida oranges, Chilean mandarins, Costa Rican lemons . Guess where our good stuff went to!!! Thank big business and global economy for that one! I guess some Jr. business school genious has succeeded in spreading the idiotic idea that all things imported (even if from another state) are somehow viewed as better than the local and therefore more valuable. I guess we have no one to blame for but ourselves . I for one, resent such marketing and refuse to buy vegetables from Canadian greenhouses and from south-american fields fertilized with human waste!:stirthepot:

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Well, until folks start raising some hell to the elected officials and keep it up it is going to keep climbing. I keep hearing the media and other folks say, "we should be glad we're not in Europe or South America, its $6 or $7 a gal there". My answer to that is, "I don't live over there and don't give a rats a$$ about the price anywhere but here". To me it just a ploy to make us think we don't have it so bad and to keep quite.

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Well, until folks start raising some hell to the elected officials and keep it up it is going to keep climbing. I keep hearing the media and other folks say, "we should be glad we're not in Europe or South America, its $6 or $7 a gal there". My answer to that is, "I don't live over there and don't give a rats a$$ about the price anywhere but here". To me it just a ploy to make us think we don't have it so bad and to keep quite.



thank you , John.

FINALLY, some one put into words , what i have been thinking , for YEARS!!!!!!

just jt

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It's about $6.80/gal here and rising.

We get most of our crappy fruit and vegetables from Mexico, we can't afford the good California stuff. Our wonderful politicians sold all our hydro power to the U.S. so now if we want any power we have to buy it back at 5 times the previous rate. Something is definitely wrong here. The big companies own the politicians so they set it up to sell stuff back and forth at inflated rates.

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